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Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Should Marijuana Be Legalized - 1788 Words
The use of marijuana has been around since B.C. times and was banned by the US government in Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. However, the debate over the legalization of cannabis sativa, known as marijuana, has been one of the most prominent and controversial issue in society today besides same sex marriage. Over the centuries, a shift in opinion in the favor of legalization has been seen. There are five jurisdictions in the United State that have rejected the failed prohibition of marijuana and changed their laws to legalize small amount of marijuana: Washington, Colorado, Alaska, Washington, D.C., and Oregon. Recently, Representative David Simpson (R-Longview) filled a bill to legalize marijuana in Texas. Cannabis is the largest cash crop in†¦show more content†¦According to Texas sheriff Gary Middleton â€Å"If you make it legal and available it s naturally, certainly going to increase use and anything that increases use of marijuana or any type of drug is going to make our j ob harder†¦. People that are using marijuana get in more disturbances, more fights, and more trouble across the board it’s not a good thing†(Middleton qtd. Tyler Morning Telegraph).The use of marijuana doesn’t not cause disturbances and there is no evidence that it does. Pauline Reilly states â€Å"the fact that in the 1940s two reports were published in America which showed that marijuana did not cause violent behavior, provoke insanity, lead to addiction, or promote opiate usage†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Reilly 37). Parents are also concerned that making marijuana legal will make it more accessible to the youth. Currently with the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington the government regulates every aspect. It is regulated like alcohol and restricted to consumers 21 and older, Colorado has dozens of shops which residents can consume one ounce of recreational marijuana, and visitors  ¼ of an ounce. Therefore there is no way youth meaning people under 21 can consume marijuana legally. Although, there are many reasons to oppose legalizing marijuana it will help more than hurt. Laura Sanders the author of â€Å"High Times†does not entirely agree with my position but she clearly states marijuana is not harmful compared to other drugs. According to Sanders â€Å"though the research
Monday, December 16, 2019
Reflection Paper On Painting - 1285 Words
Before you even starting painting you have to decided what type of material you will be painting on. In modern days you will most likely land on paper as the material you choose to paint on. After choosing to paint on paper you should decide on what type of paint to use. The artist’s painting, I am looking at choose to uses watercolor paints on a watercolor paper. Apparently watercolor paper is made with linters or cotton rags unlike how printer paper is made. Cotton rags are supposedly stronger than wood fibers or linters, as a result the paper is relatively strong. An additional advantage to using cotton rages is it makes the paper flexible, therefor less likely to rip. If you use older pieces of cotton rages you would be recycling,†¦show more content†¦It is used in the grass, tree leaves, and even the house. In the grass texture it is used to make the grass look more realistic. When you look at grass in regular life, it seems to have a texture, and we perceive tha t as being natural. So, if you draw grass without a little bit of texture you would most likely see the grass as less natural looking. This artist probably realizes to some degree that without texture his drawings wouldn’t look nearly as realistic. In the trees he also used texture to make them seem more realistic. Another group of components that the artist used to achieve their desired look for the painting is called visual principles. The visual principles evident in this painting include unity, proportion, and balance. Unity is where everything comes together as a whole to make one image. Everything looks to be in harmony with each other. The different values of green gave the painting a certain type of harmony, but I also believe that it gave a certain type of unity. Using the color green all around the painting helps to connect one part of painting to the other. Next, the painting uses proportion with the fence and the house. How proportion is used is the fence is smaller than the house, which looks more normal than the fence and the house being the same size. Balanced is also used in this painting of the house. On the right side of the painting is this largeShow MoreRelatedWhen my wife and I first arrived at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Jacksonville (MOCA) I800 Words  | 4 Pageswhat to expect. I had been to the Cummer Museum, but never here and I wasnt sure what to expect or what piece of art I was going to write my paper on. I thought I might want to do my paper on a sculpture because I tend to like that kind of art, but I wasnt sure. I figured we would walk around and whatever spoke to me the loudest would be what I wrote my paper on. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Infection Control in Development Fever Development
Question: Describe about the Infection Control in Development for Fever Development. Answer: Fever development and benefits What is fever? Explain how Peters fever developed. The state in which body temperature of an individual is more than the normal body temperature is considered as fever. Normally the human body temperature is 38.5 degree Celsius. When the body temperature of a patient rises above the normal body temperature then the patient is considered to have a fever. During the period of fever, the patient feels cold due to muscle contraction. Bacterial, parasitic, and viral infection are some of the medical conditions, which may lead to the occurrence of fever. Peter was feeling unwell for two days and therefore he visited his doctor. From the diagnosis of peter it was clear that his body temperature is 38.9 degree Celsius that means he has a fever. Further examination also revealed that peter was also having pharyngitis or sore throat, he was also sneezing all the time and his nose was running continuously. It is evident from these symptoms that peter have developed a fever (Craft et al., 2015). State, with explanation, two benefits of fever. The system that develops the immunity of the body gets stimulated by a fever. This stimulation insists the bodys immune system to increase the production of more antibodies, proteins like interferon, and white blood cells. The human body is protected from the foreign microorganism that has harmful effect by all these biological molecules. The body temperature is raised through a number of degrees due to fever and this increase in temperature makes it difficult for the foreign virus and bacteria who invaded to flourish and survive. It becomes very much difficult for the invading microorganism who have harmful effect to grow, flourish and survive when the body temperature increases because the temperature that is optimum for the multiplication of these invading microorganism is less than the increased temperature. Iron is shuttled in the liver due to a fever and thus it becomes not easily available for the use of the invading harmful microorganism as a fuel for the growth of the microorganism inside the body. Thus, fever acts as a very important growth inhibiting factor of the invading organism. Prescription, mode of action and effectiveness of phenoxymethylpenicillin. Given that influenza is caused by a virus, why was Peter prescribed an antibiotic? Antibiotics are not effective against influenza infection. Antibiotics are those drugs which are mainly used for the treatments of the patients who are going through a bacterial infection. However, phenoxymethyl penicillin is prescribed to peter because exudates of yellow-white pus was seen over the tonsils of peter which indicates that peter had a pharyngitis. To treat pharyngitis and tonsillitis phenoxymethyl penicillin is used. The doctor prescribed phenoxymethylpenicillin. Discuss the mode of action of phenoxymethylpenicillin. Phenoxymethyl penicillin is an antibiotic used in the prevention or treatment of bacterial infection.The peptidoglycan is the most important part required for the formation of the bacterial cell wall. Phenoxymethyl penicillin directly acts on the peptidoglycans and causes the bursting of the bacterial cell wall and thus prohibits the bacteria from forming cell walls and as a result of this the bacteria susceptible to the antibiotics, other fluids and as a result the bacterial growth stops and ultimately the bacteria is killed. The bacterial cell wall strength is increased by the peptidoglycan and because of this; it becomes possible for the bacterial cell wall to prohibit the entry of the external fluids and particles inside the cell. At the time of bacterial multiplication, few small holes are opened up in the cell wall as the cell further divide into daughter cell. The reconstruction of the cell wall by backfilling those holes present in the cell wall with the help of peptidoglycan that is newly produced. This is possible only in one condition that is absence of penicillin around the surrounding vicinity. The formation of the protein which is required to link peptidoglycans together in the cell wall is inhibited by the penicillin. As a result of the above said inhibition the transpeptidation of the bacterium is not completed which is very much necessary to close the hole of the walls. When these holes remains open the surrounding fluids rushes into the cell due to osmotic pressure leading the cell to explode (Lee Bishop, 2016). Explain why antibiotics are not effective against viruses. The viruses do not have any cell therefore the antibiotics are not effective against viruses. The viruses are the infectious agent having a protein coat, which live inside the cells of different other living organism. Breaking down of the cell wall of the bacteria is the principal mode of action of the antibiotics. Therefore, the antibiotics have no effect on the viruses because the viruses hire all the mechanism of the host organisms cells for replication and other activities to survive. The procedure of replication of viruses is also different from the bacteria. The replication mechanism of the bacteria is used by the viruses so the antibiotics are unable to differentiate the viruses from the bacteria subsequently the antibiotics cannot produce any effect against the viruses and it appears that the antibiotics are ineffective against the viruses (Bullock Manias, 2013). Spreading of influenza and breaking its mode of transmission. Describe two (2) possible ways that Peter could have contracted the influenza virus (modes of transmission). The contraction of influenza virus to Peter may be cuased by the following processes 1) Due to the inhalation of aerosol which is virus-laden. A sneeze of an infected person may release many thousand droplets of viruses. These droplets remains suspended for a very long interval of time in the air and may cause infection when the healthy person inhale them (Lehne et al., 2012). 2) Due to direct contact making with the individual who are infected. An individual who is infected frequently touches the mouth or nose of them while sneezing and at the moment any healthy person gets a hand shake with that infected person. The infection of influenza spreads to the healthy person as they touches their own nose or mouth with that contaminated hand. Another way of the spreading of the virus is through the nonliving things which are infected with viruses. Suppose person who is infected touches a non-living thing after they have touched their mouth or nose during sneezing or after that. Now when a healthy person touches the thing to pick up the thing subsequently the hand of them is contaminated and this further leads to infection of those people if they does not wash the hand before they touch their nose or before eating. Identify two (2) ways by which the modes of transmission could be broken To break the transmission of influenza it is recommended that the washing of the hands should be done very often with hand cleaners which are alcohol based or with water and soap. The infected person should cover their mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing. Use of Facemask by the infected person can be useful in the process of decreasing the spread of the virus. Promotion of seasonal Influenza vaccine administration must be brought into practice among the people to make the immune system strong against the virus. All the person having the symptoms of infection in the respiratory system must be ensured that they should have adherence to the technique of respiratory hygiene and must implement those technique, cough etiquette procedures, hand hygiene techniques throughout the period of the risk of spreading of influenza virus prevails (Boland Wilson, 2011). Physiological basis of the signs and symptoms Describe the physiological basis of the first signs/symptoms of Petersthroat. Relate your response to this case study. The first sign that was encountered in the case of the peters throat was the redness of the throat. The redness of this part of the throat occurs because a large amount of the blood along with the immunological molecules like the macrophages, phagosome have a tendency to reach this infection site so that they can engulf the virus and the antigens particle. This causes an accumulation of blood in this portion of throat. This high amount of blood accumulation and blood flow towards the infection sight is the main reason behind occurrence of redness in the throat. Describe the physiological basis of the second signs/symptoms of Petersthroat. Relate your response to this case study. Peters throat have the second symptom of swollen. The primary reason behind this is swollen is a large accumulation of immunological molecules occurred in this infection site by the accumulation of blood in this area. An agglutination reaction occurred among the immunological molecules like antibody and antigen. They binds with each other to form agglutination reaction which ultimately leads to the inflammation and subsequent pain in that area (Marieb Hoehn, 2016). This inflation occurred in peters throat because there was an infection of influenza virus. Describe the physiological basis of the third signs/symptoms of Petersthroat. Relate your response to this case study. The third and last sign or symptoms of peters throat that he encountered was a patchy covering of yellow-white exudates of pus over tonsils of peter. This type of symptoms may be seen in the condition of acute tonsillitis and when there is a viral infection. It can be seen most of the time that tonsils during an infection are bright red and coated by yellow-white pus. In respect to the peters case, it can be concluded that the infection of virus of influenza in his tonsils is the main reason of the accumulation of patchy yellow-white pus in that portion of the throat (Grossman et al., 2014). Replication of microorganisms Compare and contrast the processes by which viruses and bacteria replicate Bacterial Replication process Viral replication process Bacteria have its own replication machinery and cell organelle. Viruses hire the replication machinery of the bacteria. Bacteria replicate their own DNA or RNA. Most of the bacteria normally carry out asexual reproduction. Some bacteria also perform sexual reproduction in which a transfer of the genetic material (plasmid) between two bacteria occurs. The bacteria cannot degrade the genetic material of the virus because the genetic material of the virus is always packaged in a protein membranous coat. The viruses either the degrade the DNA or RNA of the bacteria and uses the replication machinery of the bacteria to replicate their own genetic material or sometimes the virus incorporate its genetic material into the DNA or RNA of the bacteria and gets it genetic material replicated with the replication of the host DNA or RNA. Similarity Both bacteria and virus uses the same replication machinery because the virus just hacks the replication machinery of the bacteria the replication enzyme for both the virus and bacteria are same. Presentation Referencing in-text and in reference list conforms to APA 6th referencing style. Critique supported by relevant literature as prescribed. Correct sentence structure, paragraph, grammatical construction, spelling, punctuation and presentation. Reference: Boland, M. (Director ), Wilson, J. (writer). (2011). Infection control in healthcare [video file] Bullock, S., Manias, E. (2013).Fundamentals of pharmacology. Pearson Higher Education AU. Craft, J., Gordon, C., Huether, S. E., McCance, K. L., Brashers, V. L. (2015).Understanding pathophysiology-ANZ adaptation. Elsevier Health Sciences. Grossman, S., Porth, C. M., Conelius, J., Gerard, S. O., Moriber, N., O'Shea, E. R., Wheeler, K. (2014). Porth's Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. Lee, G.M., Bishop, P (Eds) (2016) Microbiology and infection control for health professionals (6th ed.). Melbourne , Australia Pearson. Lehne, R.A.., Moore, L.A., Crosby, L.J., Hamilton, D.B. (2012). Pharmacology for nursing care (8th ed.). St. Louis,Mo: Elsevier Marieb, E.N., Hoehn, K. (2016). Human anatomy Physiology(10th global ed.). Harlow United Kingdom: Pearson, World Health Organisation, (2015). Influenza, an unpredictable threat [video file]
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The pioneer experiences free essay sample
The western migration of the mid-nineteenth century was a time of uncertainty for America. It was also a time of excitement because of the new adventures that awaited Americans. Although western migration was difficult, many chose to undertake it because they wanted a new life, riches, and a chance to own their own land. There was also a religious aspect, as some people moved to be missionaries to the Native Americans and to form new churches and religions. The pioneer experiences of men and women differed in several ways. This is evidenced by the writings of Lydia Allen Rudd and Elizabeth Dixon Smith Geer. Elizabeth talked about constant rain and carrying two children through the mud and water. She also talked about looking for shelter for her sick husband and watching him deteriorate. She also writes about how the children had great responsibilities such as driving cattle and oxen. Elizabeth talks incessantly of the impossibility of cooking or staying warm and dry. We will write a custom essay sample on The pioneer experiences or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page  Much of this has to do with when she and her family chose to travel. She also writes that with her husband ill, â€Å"the whole care of everything falls upon [her] shoulders (Geer 1847).†This contrasts sharply with Lydia Allen Rudd. Though in her account there is rain, she remains upbeat, sharing the soaring vistas and her experiences with the Native Americans. All is not grand, however. She speaks of seeing the graves of men and women having died of measles and cholera. Her diary tells of reaching Salem, Oregon, and also Burlington. There, they are successful in finding both employment and housing for the winter (1852). Men, on the other hand, saw much more violence in their lives. In looking at Edward Gould Buffum’s account of life in the gold mines, he tells of the â€Å"trial†of five men who were consequently lashed, and three of those men who were tried for attempted murder and robbery. A jury found the men guilty. Buffum notes that â€Å"the charges against them were well substantiated, but amounted to nothing more than an attempt at robbery and murder; no overt act being even alleged (1850).† The sentence was death by hanging, and they were hanged that very day. Such was frontier justice. Buffum even protested against the mens’ death sentence, but stopped when the mob threatened to hang him. Government played a huge role in encouraging and supporting westward migration. This was accomplished by the Homestead Act of 1862. It took affect on the first of January of 1863. It gave anyone twenty one or older who is a citizen or intended to become a citizen, and â€Å"who had never borne arms against the United States Government or given aid and comfort to its enemies†entitlement to land at $1.25 per acre, so long as the claim did not exceed a hundred sixty acres. The only thing the person had to do was swear out an affidavit that they were the head of household, or is twenty one, or given service in the US armed forces, never borne arms against the US and never given aid or comfort to its enemies. The person also had to hold the land for five years. The idea of Manifest Destiny fit in well with the actual experiences of the pioneers. Though the road was tough, the rewards were great, as many people made their fortunes in the west. Manifest Destiny, or the idea that America had a God-given right to all of North America did fit in well with the actual experiences of the pioneers. It did not, however, respect the culture of the Native Americans. Native Americans were forced to move from ancestral lands, and some began to assimilate. This was largely due to the amount of missionaries that moved from the east to Oregon. Their goal was to â€Å"civilize†the â€Å"savage†Native Americans.There was, however, a place where the Americans and the Native Americans came together without argument. That place was called Middle Ground. It was a place where Native Americans and Americans came together for trade. Manifest Destiny also affected communications. Mail traveled over a route known as the Butterfield Trail. This trail between Saint Louis and SanFrancisco took two weeks for mail to travel it. This helped to foster the development of the Pony Express. It ran for eighteen months and used relays of young riders to move mail slightly faster than traditional mail. Many went to Oregon and California to seek their fortunes and establish new lives. Sometimes, this involved religious differences. The Mormons for example, moved because they were not accepted in either New York or Illinois. In the two female accounts that were discussed, the women moved with their families to seek a new life in Oregon. In the account of Edward Gould Buffum, he had spent six months in the California gold mines. Even Horace Greely got into the idea of Manifest Destiny, advocating for a transcontinental railroad as a way to facilitate communication and transportation to the new territories. He also talks about the need for education and â€Å"virtuous women (Greely, 1860).† Additionally, he discusses the need for the families of the men in California to have their families. He feels settlement would again be facilitated by a transcontinental railroad. Families would move with their men, and more families would be willing to move out west on the comfort of the trains, rather than take the wagon trains through the uncertain weather. The growth of towns showed that people were taking the idea of Manifest Destiny seriously. The mass migration of immigrants to California numbered 80,000, and the city of San Francisco grew from 848 to an astonishing 60,000. The pioneer experiences and Manifest Destiny walked hand in hand through history. Manifest Destiny’s goal of taking over the continent combined with the curiosity of the American Pioneer. Their experiences helped forever shape the new America. The United States Government helped by passing the Homestead Act, which encouraged people to settle in the new territories. Though their experiences were different, collectively, men and women helped shape a new America full of new challenges and new rewards. Bibliography 37th Congress, Homestead Act of 1862. 1862.http://wpscms.pearson.cmg.com/long_longman_mhlus_0/0,11867,3125072- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). Bauer, William J.. Dismantling Indian Country in the Nineteenth Century. History: Reviews of New Books 36, no. 2 (2008): 49-52. Buffum, Edward. Six Months in the Gold Mines. 1850.http://wpscms.pearson.cmg.com/long_longman_mhlus_0/0,11867,3124634- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). Geer, Elizabeth. Journal. 1847. 1848.http://wpscms.pearson.cmg.com/long_longman_mhlus_0/0,11867,3124638- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). Graulich, Melody. Review of West of Emerson: The Design of Manifest Destiny. Amercan  Literature 76, no. 3 (2004): 617-619. Greely, Horace. An Overland Journey. 1860.http://wpscms.pearson.cmg.com/long_longman_mhlus_0/0,11867,3124701- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). OSullivan, John. The Great Nation of Futurity. http://wpscms.pearsoncmg.com/long_longman_mhlus_0/0,11867,3124755- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). Rudd, Lydia. Diary of Westward Travel 1852. 1852.http://wpscms.pearson.cmg.com/long_longman_mhlus_0/0,11867,3124798- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009).
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