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Print Advertisement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Print Advertisement - Assignment Example Individuals who watch the promotion ought to perceive a solid sentiment of sentimentality of ââ...
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Selling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Selling - Essay Example Of course trust level is the thing which enhances the every relationship bonding but when we talk about selling it values a lot – as selling relationship are business type in nature sort of. The best salesperson never compromise on its reputation or trust and always tried its best to deliver at time. And this trust of a salesman highly depends on the customer and salesman relationship – that is understand the customer need, his level of satisfaction and having honest dealing with him. The simplest example I want to give here for my above statement is the relationship between the doctor and a sales person of a pharmaceutical corporation. Doctor never having its personal affiliation with the company whose medicine he usually does prescribe actually it is his relationship with the representative of that company who push him to recommend its medicine - in point of fact the key of selling moves around personal business relationship. The best salesman always follows the strat egy which is do business with persons not with companies. A part from all above, customer entertainment which a salesman providing him also groomed that relationship – that is having outdoor eating and other recreational activities you know giving your customer casual environment. Selling is a sort of profession which very much focused relationship ethics and you now tough times which we say ups and downs are the part of every relation. If both ends have a healthy relation then these tough tome (like any delay in scheduled delivery of stock etc) can be easily tackled. Networking, another very potential term in career of salesman. How I tell you this. Basically it increases your social relations. It also happens that buyer recommend you to others thus give a boost to salesman business. But it is better to network always rather if you want some type of business dealing. The approach to do networking always expands and strengthens the relationship in improved
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Logic of Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Logic of Descartes - Essay Example The Logic of Descartes Descartes felt the only way to obtain true knowledge was to rely solely upon human reason while ignoring the senses. Descartes wrote several books regarding the nature of existence and knowledge, providing us with plenty of material to study and has had tremendous influence on those who have come after him. These books are typically divided into segments Descartes labels meditations. In these meditations, Descartes reflects upon the nature of the individual and determines that he does indeed exist as both a physical and a metaphysical being through a detailed consideration of the various elements that contribute to his awareness. Through statements such as ‘I am not lodged in my body like a pilot in a vessel’ and ‘I am not that set of limbs called the human body’, Descartes attempts to bridge the difference between the new sciences and the sensory perceptions of the old philosophy, introducing in the process a new way of thinking about thinking. In Descartes ’ Meditations on First Philosophy (1989), Descartes states emphatically ‘I think, therefore I am.’ This simple-sounding statement is the result of a discourse in which Descartes calls into question all of the assumptions he’s come to know as a result of the philosophical thought of his day. To seek a higher version of the truth, Descartes felt it was necessary to question every assumption that had even the shadow of a doubt. Through this questioning process, he demonstrates how thought, not observation or the senses, is really the right foundation for knowledge. â€Å"When I considered that the very same thoughts (presentations) which we experience when awake may also be experienced when we are asleep, while there is at that time not one of them true, I supposed that all the objects (presentations) that had ever entered into my mind when awake, had in them no more truth than the illusions of my dreams†(Descartes, 2001). The first issue to be overco me was the concept that knowledge defined by a â€Å"clear and distinct perception†as being clear of sensation is foiled by its own dependence on the senses within the definition. Descartes argues that in order to fool a mind, a mind must first exist, indicating that the senses are not necessary to the development of a thinking being, so we must be something more than the physical material we are made of, something more than ‘the set of limbs.’ In the process of breaking down all of his perceptions to determine the very basic, deepest thought that is not based on the senses, Descartes admits that there may be some way in which all of his senses could be fooled all of the time into thinking he exists; this in itself proves his existence. â€Å"But there is I know not what being, who is possessed at once of the highest power and the deepest cunning, who is constantly employing all his ingenuity in deceiving me. Doubtless, then, I exist, since I am deceived; and, let him deceive me as he may, he can never bring it about that I am nothing, so long as I shall be conscious that I am something†(Descartes, 1989). Meditation III builds off of Descartes’ earlier idea that he exists because he is capable of thinking – â€Å"I think, therefore I am.†Assuming that what he is able to perceive as distinct must be true, he strives to erase his mind of all information that has been gained through his five senses to arrive at what he knows deep within himself. â€Å"In this item of first knowledge, there is simply a clear and distinct
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Ethical And Legal Principles In Nursing | Reflective Essay
Ethical And Legal Principles In Nursing | Reflective Essay This following piece of reflection will be written by using the what model of structured reflection (Driscoll, 2007). The essay will focus on a practice based scenario and will include two ethical principles, these being, Non-Maleficence and Beneficence. It will also cover two legal principles; The Mental Capacity Act and Consent. In order to maintain patients confidentiality (Nursing and Midwifery Council 2008) a pseudonym name will be used throughout this reflective account and the patient will be referred to as Jean. As a trainee assistant practitioner I am accountable in my practice to identify and minimise risk to the patient when carrying out care. It is also my duty to ensure my knowledge and skills are maintained, thus providing equal care to all patients. Furthermore consent must be obtained from the patient prior to carrying out any care. I was asked by the community district nursing team to obtain a blood sample from an 88 year old lady who needed a diabetic review .This investigation will identify any potential problems associated with diabetes (Diabetes UK). Having this test is essential for the well being of the patient. Jean has type 2 diabetes and her condition is controlled by insulin therapy. Having this test is important for the well being of the patient. The nursing midwifery council state that obtaining patients consent is necessary before you can give treatment or care (2002). It is important to obtain consent and failure to do so could be viewed as physical assault on a patient (Lavery 2005). Consent should not be taken for granted and an explanation should be given to the patient prior to the procedure. This ensures that Patients are competent to make an informed decision and have the legal right to decline treatment at any time during their treatment. Jean also has a form of dementia and due to this; she experiences memory loss and confusion. According to Frude the general onset of dementia is one of progressive deterioration in the forgetfulness stages the person experiences difficulty in recalling events (2000.p.285). Within my role as a trainee assistant practitioner I have the responsibility to understand the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and to respect people rights and provide care within the realms of the law. A patient who lacks mental capacity is a person whose brain has been affected from an illness, in this case dementia. The Mental capacity act 2005 is to protect people who are unable to make decision for themselves. The Code of Practice states that last power of attorney can be used to appoint attorney to make decisions about personal welfare (2005 .p120) A person with a personal welfare of lasting power attorney can make a medical or treatment decision for another person. The office of the public guardian has a register for lasting power of attorney this is a legal document which people must be registered (Alzheimers society 2010). It is my responsibility to ensure that patients who lack capacity have the correct support in place so that they can assert their rights. In this case Jean had nominated her daughter to be her lasting power of attorney. Jean now moved in with her daughter and her family. I asked Jeans daughter for permission to take a blood sample from her mother and she gave her consent. However when I approached Jean to explain what I was going to do she seemed very confused and became aggressive towards me. I was told in report that Jean can get confused, but no mention of her being aggressive. I felt very uneasy and made the decision with the support of Jeans daughter, not to take the blood sample. Hendick states the principle of non-maleficence imposes duty to do no harm or to minimize harm (2001 p 22). As Jean was obviously distressed and I did not want to cause her any discomfort I decided not to carry out the procedure. My intention was also not to put Jean or myself at any risk from taking the blood sample as it could lead to either one of us being harmed from a needle stick injury. Hendick states beneficence means that you must act in the way that benefits others, and have both moral and legal duty to do good (2004 p72). Obviously having the test done is in Jeans best interests as her doctor needs to have recent blood values to ensure she is receiving the correct treatment. I believe however, that I acted in Jeans best interests by postponing her blood test to another day finding out from her daughter what the best time of day for Jean, when she would be likely to be more relaxed and approachable. Her daughter had agreed with this decision, another date was arranged As a trainee Assistant Practitioner, I ensure that I abide by ethical and legal principles in all aspects of my role. I feel that it is something that is incorporated into my job often without me even realising. For example, I would never carry out any procedure without gaining the patients consent. This could be verbal or non verbal. I will inform the senior member of staff about the situation I was in and fill in an incident form. I will also insure other team members are aware of Jeans aggression and to ensure that we call her daughter before we visit in the future. Hopefully my next visit will be more successful with better communication skills by planning the visit with her daughter I feel that I learnt a great deal about the Mental Capacity Act through my care of Jean and will continue to increase my skills and knowledge. I will continue to give Jean the care and support she needs. I will ask my Primary Care Trust for any future study days on the Equality Act that has come into force from October 2010, and then I will be able to understand how the act could be relevant within my practice. .
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Modern Macbeth :: essays research papers
A Modern Macbeth      When looking back on the recent decades or even last week, it is not difficult to find a Macbeth-like figure in mainstream American culture. In this it is meant that these individuals experience a downfall in an attempt to gain power. One such figure was former President Richard Nixon.      Nixon was long associated with American politics before his fall from grace. He was along time senator before finally being elected president in 1968. During his first term, his United States went through the Vietnam War and a period of economic inflation. In 1972 he was easily re-elected over Democrat nominee George McGovern. Almost unnoticed during his campaign was the arrest of five men connected with Nixon’s re-election committee. They had broken into the Democrats national head quarters in the Watergate apartment complex, in Washington D.C. They attempted to steal documents and place wire taps on the telephones. By March of 1973, through a federal inquiry, it had been brought to light that the burglars had connections with high government officials and Nixon’s closest aids. Despite Nixon and his lawyers best efforts, it was shown that the president had participated in the Watergate cover-up. On August 8, 1974 Nixon announced, without admitting g uilt, that he would resign. He left the Oval Office the next day: an obvious fall from grace.      So how does this former leader of the free world compare to Macbeth? Before they achieved their positions of power to govern or rule all, both Nixon and Macbeth spent many years being heavily respected amongst their peers. Nixon spent many years as a respected congressman and Macbeth as a soldier and Thane of Glamis. They used the way people viewed them to their advantage to gain a position of power. Nixon used his experience to get him elected president. Macbeth was made Thane of Cawdor and eventually king. Once they both ascended to their respected roles they did whatever it took to protect themselves from any possible threats. Nixon cheated by trying to steal opponents campaign secrets thus giving him an unfair advantage.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Economy vs the Enviroment
Yoveta Adams 12/14/12 English 1101 9:00 A. M. Essay # 6 The Economy vs. the Environment The unemployment rate is almost nine percent, the value of the American dollar is steadily declining, and the housing market is far from stable. It is undeniable that the American people need jobs. TransCanada, â€Å"a leader in North American energy production†(Canadian Business Resource) and its subsidiary, TransCanada Pipelines Limited has a seven billion dollar plan to create jobs by extending the already existing Keystone Pipeline.The Keystone pipeline harvests oil from the tar sands in Hardesty, Alberta then runs the crude oil to Patoka, Illinois. The plan is to extend the pipeline from Hardesty to run through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma to finally end in Port Arthur, Texas where it can be refined. According to TransCanada, this can potentially create thousands of jobs including: 13,000 Americans to construct the pipeline-pipefitters, welders, mechanics, ele ctricians, heavy equipment operators, among other jobs-in addition to 7,000 manufacturing jobs†¦.And additionally local businesses along the pipeline route will benefit from the 118,000 spin off jobs Keystone XL will create through increased businesses for local goods and service providers. (TransCanada) That’s a lot of jobs. Not only that, this can help to reduce our dependency on outside sources to supply us with crude oil, according to Chris Sorenson that this â€Å"36 inch diameter pipeline could Adams Page 2 Potentially triple the existing pipeline capacity to 1. 3 million barrels per day†That’s great!Not only will this create over a hundred thousand jobs, it can also help lower the price of gas, considering it won’t be coming from middle east, it will be coming from our neighbors to the north. So why has President Barack Obama, decided to push back the decision to approve or deny the extension until after the 2012 election? Many republicans, i ncluding Speaker of the House, John Boehner think this is detrimental to the American economy claiming, â€Å"By punting this project, the president has made it clear that campaign politics are driving U. S. policy decisions at the cost of American jobs. (Page 16) Maybe it has something to do with the environment. Like the fact that the already existing Keystone pipeline has been ordered shut down by the United States Department of Transportation, due to a series of leaks and spills. Elisabeth Rosenthal says that in May of 2011 alone, â€Å"the Keystone 1 pipeline suffered two leaks†¦one of which involved over 10,000 gallons of oil. †(Page 1) In spite of this, TransCanada claims that â€Å"pipelines are the safest, most reliable, economical and environmentally favorable way to transport oil and petroleum products.Leaks are rare and tend to be small. †I don’t call ten thousand gallons small. Not only that, Rosenthal also states: Environmental experts have raised concerns about the possibility of leaks from Keystone XL, in part because TransCanada has been granted waivers that Adams Page 3 Effectively allow it to use thinner steel that would normally be required in the United States. They add that the company’s pipelines are particularly vulnerable because the oil from tar sands is more corrosive than conventional oil and is pumped under higher pressure and temperatures. Page 1) Still, oil corporations claim that this source of crude oil is ethical, even though the methods used to extract it is devastating to the environment and the ecosystems within. Environmental activist Bill McKibben declares: The biggest machines in the world scrape away the woods and dig down to the oily sand beneath, and so far they got three percent of the oil, but they’ve already moved more soil than the Great Wall of China, the Suez Canal, and the Aswan Dam and Pyramid of Cheops combined†¦ (Page 40) And goes on to add:Right now, the atmos phere holds 392 parts per million CO2 already dangerously above the 350 ppm scientists say is the maximum level. If you could somehow burn all the tar sands at once†¦ the atmospheric concentration would rise another 150 parts per million. (Page 40) Lee Terry, a republican representative from Nebraska, recently drafted a bill that would allow the Federal Regulatory Commission to grant permits that would allow TransCanada to commence the project within thirty days of getting an application. I know we are desperate for Adams Page 4Jobs but, how far can this bill go if the decision to build this pipeline was in Barak Obama’s hands alone and he already made the decision to wait until after the next election to decide? As for the thousands of jobs TransCanada claim this will create, the U. S. Department of State predicts the number will be closer to between twenty-five hundred and four thousand. That’s a big difference. Maybe the difference will stem from people that Tr ansCanada will hire to clean up the existing mess that Keystone 1 has already created, and the ones that will happen in the future if they continue to use substandard materials to build the pipeline.What about reducing our dependency on outside resources for crude oil? I mean that has to have some bearing in all of this. Alexander Cockburn suggests that â€Å"from day one of the Keystone XL scheme the oil companies’ plan has been to take the heavy crude from Alberta, refine it in Texas and then ship it in the form of middle distillates-diesel, jet fuel and heating oil-primarily to Europe and Latin America. †(Page 9) I think this could potentially raise the price of gas in the U. S. considering we will be the ones to ship it.One should also keep in mind that this is a pipeline, it takes oil from the earth and eventually, it will run out. It seems to me that this is just a short term solution. It certainly isn’t going to get Americans away from using crude oil as a sustainable source of energy, regardless of the amount of jobs this will create. If the Republican Party and TransCanada truly cared about the American economy and job creation, they would come up with a cleaner, more efficient, and less harmful way. The Keystone XL pipeline is a bad idea, and the way I see it the environment is more important than the economy.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
European learning institutions in the Middle Ages Essay
The Monastic schools provided the basis for the universities. The main purpose for the establishment of schools was to develop literacy in the society. Through the schools people were educated and hence became wiser. These schools led to the formation of universities as many individuals begun to pursue deeper meanings, verbal clarity and places for doing analysis. During the scholasticism period, the need for a place where intellectuals could do their studies increased greatly as the number of scholars and philosophers rose. Scholars started to analyze books and other information sources through reason and argumentation. Individuals who had gone through schooling had no place to further their studies and their number was increasing. This therefore led to the rise of universities as they provided a place for further studies. During the scholastic period there were many discoveries which were meant to enhance learning. The universities came up because of the need to have intellectuals together so that they can share ideas and opinions thereby leading to more discoveries. The university was a good place to do research and for individuals to learn from others. Additionally, individuals wanted to understand the Bible better and thus get closer to its truth. The university provided a good place where people could study the Bible and hence understand it better. Background of the students During this period, education was the privilege of the members of the upper classes and thus most of the students were from the upper classes in the society. There were few students from the lower classes who had the opportunity to have formal education. This could be attributed to insufficient educational resources thereby making them expensive and thus not affordable to the lower class members. Curriculum The schools curriculum was divided into two trivium and quadrivium. Trivium was composed of grammar, dialectic and rhetoric while qaudrivium contained geometry, arithmetic, astronomy and music. In grammar, texts written by the Priscian who was a Latin grammarian were studied and applied. In dialectic, the works done by Aristotle were read while in rhetoric, the works of Cicero were studied. Arithmetic involved the study of multiplication and division, and in addition to that abacus and chronology were learned. Geometry mainly involved the study of Euclid while Astronomy involved studying the works of Bede and Pliny who was a Roman writer. In Music, the students were taught proportion, scale, ‘music of the spheres’ and the harmony of the universe. During the Charlemagne period education was mainly based on written texts (Cunningham & Reich, 2006). During the scholasticism period, learning was based on reasoning and argumentation. Books were chosen, read and subjected to investigation. Points of disagreements between books and other sources of information were written down and subjected to analysis using dialectics. Through the dialectics a common ground was found. During this period universities were formed and the curriculum of most universities primarily involved the study of philosophy, science, ancient culture and mathematics. In addition to studying the students were allowed to do research in their field of preference. The effects of formal educational institutions on the European society These institutions increased the gap between the rich and the poor people in the society. This can be attributed to background of the most students. Education was primarily the privilege of the upper class members and thus most of the lower class member never had the opportunity to have formal education. However, in spite of the gap in the society, the formal educational institutions provided the basis for more discoveries and developments in the European society. Through the institutions literacy in the society increased as more people improved their knowledge and skills. Additionally, the institutions reconciled different societies as translators and intermediaries were required. For instance, in translating Greek to English Muslims and Jews were utilized as translators and intermediaries. This therefore led to reconciliation between different religions as they dependent on each in enhancing learning. Furthermore, the learning institutions led to change in character as individuals begun to see things differently. This led to changes in the political scene as authoritative governments collapsed paving way for the democratic ones. Powers of the monasteries were reduced as democratic governments came into power. This is because more individuals understood their rights and hence started to fight for their rights. Word count: 717. Reference list Cunningham L. S. and J. Reich, (2006). Culture and values. Edition: 6. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. p. 199.
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