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Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Should Marijuana Be Legalized - 1788 Words
The use of marijuana has been around since B.C. times and was banned by the US government in Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. However, the debate over the legalization of cannabis sativa, known as marijuana, has been one of the most prominent and controversial issue in society today besides same sex marriage. Over the centuries, a shift in opinion in the favor of legalization has been seen. There are five jurisdictions in the United State that have rejected the failed prohibition of marijuana and changed their laws to legalize small amount of marijuana: Washington, Colorado, Alaska, Washington, D.C., and Oregon. Recently, Representative David Simpson (R-Longview) filled a bill to legalize marijuana in Texas. Cannabis is the largest cash crop in†¦show more content†¦According to Texas sheriff Gary Middleton â€Å"If you make it legal and available it s naturally, certainly going to increase use and anything that increases use of marijuana or any type of drug is going to make our j ob harder†¦. People that are using marijuana get in more disturbances, more fights, and more trouble across the board it’s not a good thing†(Middleton qtd. Tyler Morning Telegraph).The use of marijuana doesn’t not cause disturbances and there is no evidence that it does. Pauline Reilly states â€Å"the fact that in the 1940s two reports were published in America which showed that marijuana did not cause violent behavior, provoke insanity, lead to addiction, or promote opiate usage†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Reilly 37). Parents are also concerned that making marijuana legal will make it more accessible to the youth. Currently with the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington the government regulates every aspect. It is regulated like alcohol and restricted to consumers 21 and older, Colorado has dozens of shops which residents can consume one ounce of recreational marijuana, and visitors  ¼ of an ounce. Therefore there is no way youth meaning people under 21 can consume marijuana legally. Although, there are many reasons to oppose legalizing marijuana it will help more than hurt. Laura Sanders the author of â€Å"High Times†does not entirely agree with my position but she clearly states marijuana is not harmful compared to other drugs. According to Sanders â€Å"though the research
Monday, December 16, 2019
Reflection Paper On Painting - 1285 Words
Before you even starting painting you have to decided what type of material you will be painting on. In modern days you will most likely land on paper as the material you choose to paint on. After choosing to paint on paper you should decide on what type of paint to use. The artist’s painting, I am looking at choose to uses watercolor paints on a watercolor paper. Apparently watercolor paper is made with linters or cotton rags unlike how printer paper is made. Cotton rags are supposedly stronger than wood fibers or linters, as a result the paper is relatively strong. An additional advantage to using cotton rages is it makes the paper flexible, therefor less likely to rip. If you use older pieces of cotton rages you would be recycling,†¦show more content†¦It is used in the grass, tree leaves, and even the house. In the grass texture it is used to make the grass look more realistic. When you look at grass in regular life, it seems to have a texture, and we perceive tha t as being natural. So, if you draw grass without a little bit of texture you would most likely see the grass as less natural looking. This artist probably realizes to some degree that without texture his drawings wouldn’t look nearly as realistic. In the trees he also used texture to make them seem more realistic. Another group of components that the artist used to achieve their desired look for the painting is called visual principles. The visual principles evident in this painting include unity, proportion, and balance. Unity is where everything comes together as a whole to make one image. Everything looks to be in harmony with each other. The different values of green gave the painting a certain type of harmony, but I also believe that it gave a certain type of unity. Using the color green all around the painting helps to connect one part of painting to the other. Next, the painting uses proportion with the fence and the house. How proportion is used is the fence is smaller than the house, which looks more normal than the fence and the house being the same size. Balanced is also used in this painting of the house. On the right side of the painting is this largeShow MoreRelatedWhen my wife and I first arrived at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Jacksonville (MOCA) I800 Words  | 4 Pageswhat to expect. I had been to the Cummer Museum, but never here and I wasnt sure what to expect or what piece of art I was going to write my paper on. I thought I might want to do my paper on a sculpture because I tend to like that kind of art, but I wasnt sure. I figured we would walk around and whatever spoke to me the loudest would be what I wrote my paper on. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Infection Control in Development Fever Development
Question: Describe about the Infection Control in Development for Fever Development. Answer: Fever development and benefits What is fever? Explain how Peters fever developed. The state in which body temperature of an individual is more than the normal body temperature is considered as fever. Normally the human body temperature is 38.5 degree Celsius. When the body temperature of a patient rises above the normal body temperature then the patient is considered to have a fever. During the period of fever, the patient feels cold due to muscle contraction. Bacterial, parasitic, and viral infection are some of the medical conditions, which may lead to the occurrence of fever. Peter was feeling unwell for two days and therefore he visited his doctor. From the diagnosis of peter it was clear that his body temperature is 38.9 degree Celsius that means he has a fever. Further examination also revealed that peter was also having pharyngitis or sore throat, he was also sneezing all the time and his nose was running continuously. It is evident from these symptoms that peter have developed a fever (Craft et al., 2015). State, with explanation, two benefits of fever. The system that develops the immunity of the body gets stimulated by a fever. This stimulation insists the bodys immune system to increase the production of more antibodies, proteins like interferon, and white blood cells. The human body is protected from the foreign microorganism that has harmful effect by all these biological molecules. The body temperature is raised through a number of degrees due to fever and this increase in temperature makes it difficult for the foreign virus and bacteria who invaded to flourish and survive. It becomes very much difficult for the invading microorganism who have harmful effect to grow, flourish and survive when the body temperature increases because the temperature that is optimum for the multiplication of these invading microorganism is less than the increased temperature. Iron is shuttled in the liver due to a fever and thus it becomes not easily available for the use of the invading harmful microorganism as a fuel for the growth of the microorganism inside the body. Thus, fever acts as a very important growth inhibiting factor of the invading organism. Prescription, mode of action and effectiveness of phenoxymethylpenicillin. Given that influenza is caused by a virus, why was Peter prescribed an antibiotic? Antibiotics are not effective against influenza infection. Antibiotics are those drugs which are mainly used for the treatments of the patients who are going through a bacterial infection. However, phenoxymethyl penicillin is prescribed to peter because exudates of yellow-white pus was seen over the tonsils of peter which indicates that peter had a pharyngitis. To treat pharyngitis and tonsillitis phenoxymethyl penicillin is used. The doctor prescribed phenoxymethylpenicillin. Discuss the mode of action of phenoxymethylpenicillin. Phenoxymethyl penicillin is an antibiotic used in the prevention or treatment of bacterial infection.The peptidoglycan is the most important part required for the formation of the bacterial cell wall. Phenoxymethyl penicillin directly acts on the peptidoglycans and causes the bursting of the bacterial cell wall and thus prohibits the bacteria from forming cell walls and as a result of this the bacteria susceptible to the antibiotics, other fluids and as a result the bacterial growth stops and ultimately the bacteria is killed. The bacterial cell wall strength is increased by the peptidoglycan and because of this; it becomes possible for the bacterial cell wall to prohibit the entry of the external fluids and particles inside the cell. At the time of bacterial multiplication, few small holes are opened up in the cell wall as the cell further divide into daughter cell. The reconstruction of the cell wall by backfilling those holes present in the cell wall with the help of peptidoglycan that is newly produced. This is possible only in one condition that is absence of penicillin around the surrounding vicinity. The formation of the protein which is required to link peptidoglycans together in the cell wall is inhibited by the penicillin. As a result of the above said inhibition the transpeptidation of the bacterium is not completed which is very much necessary to close the hole of the walls. When these holes remains open the surrounding fluids rushes into the cell due to osmotic pressure leading the cell to explode (Lee Bishop, 2016). Explain why antibiotics are not effective against viruses. The viruses do not have any cell therefore the antibiotics are not effective against viruses. The viruses are the infectious agent having a protein coat, which live inside the cells of different other living organism. Breaking down of the cell wall of the bacteria is the principal mode of action of the antibiotics. Therefore, the antibiotics have no effect on the viruses because the viruses hire all the mechanism of the host organisms cells for replication and other activities to survive. The procedure of replication of viruses is also different from the bacteria. The replication mechanism of the bacteria is used by the viruses so the antibiotics are unable to differentiate the viruses from the bacteria subsequently the antibiotics cannot produce any effect against the viruses and it appears that the antibiotics are ineffective against the viruses (Bullock Manias, 2013). Spreading of influenza and breaking its mode of transmission. Describe two (2) possible ways that Peter could have contracted the influenza virus (modes of transmission). The contraction of influenza virus to Peter may be cuased by the following processes 1) Due to the inhalation of aerosol which is virus-laden. A sneeze of an infected person may release many thousand droplets of viruses. These droplets remains suspended for a very long interval of time in the air and may cause infection when the healthy person inhale them (Lehne et al., 2012). 2) Due to direct contact making with the individual who are infected. An individual who is infected frequently touches the mouth or nose of them while sneezing and at the moment any healthy person gets a hand shake with that infected person. The infection of influenza spreads to the healthy person as they touches their own nose or mouth with that contaminated hand. Another way of the spreading of the virus is through the nonliving things which are infected with viruses. Suppose person who is infected touches a non-living thing after they have touched their mouth or nose during sneezing or after that. Now when a healthy person touches the thing to pick up the thing subsequently the hand of them is contaminated and this further leads to infection of those people if they does not wash the hand before they touch their nose or before eating. Identify two (2) ways by which the modes of transmission could be broken To break the transmission of influenza it is recommended that the washing of the hands should be done very often with hand cleaners which are alcohol based or with water and soap. The infected person should cover their mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing. Use of Facemask by the infected person can be useful in the process of decreasing the spread of the virus. Promotion of seasonal Influenza vaccine administration must be brought into practice among the people to make the immune system strong against the virus. All the person having the symptoms of infection in the respiratory system must be ensured that they should have adherence to the technique of respiratory hygiene and must implement those technique, cough etiquette procedures, hand hygiene techniques throughout the period of the risk of spreading of influenza virus prevails (Boland Wilson, 2011). Physiological basis of the signs and symptoms Describe the physiological basis of the first signs/symptoms of Petersthroat. Relate your response to this case study. The first sign that was encountered in the case of the peters throat was the redness of the throat. The redness of this part of the throat occurs because a large amount of the blood along with the immunological molecules like the macrophages, phagosome have a tendency to reach this infection site so that they can engulf the virus and the antigens particle. This causes an accumulation of blood in this portion of throat. This high amount of blood accumulation and blood flow towards the infection sight is the main reason behind occurrence of redness in the throat. Describe the physiological basis of the second signs/symptoms of Petersthroat. Relate your response to this case study. Peters throat have the second symptom of swollen. The primary reason behind this is swollen is a large accumulation of immunological molecules occurred in this infection site by the accumulation of blood in this area. An agglutination reaction occurred among the immunological molecules like antibody and antigen. They binds with each other to form agglutination reaction which ultimately leads to the inflammation and subsequent pain in that area (Marieb Hoehn, 2016). This inflation occurred in peters throat because there was an infection of influenza virus. Describe the physiological basis of the third signs/symptoms of Petersthroat. Relate your response to this case study. The third and last sign or symptoms of peters throat that he encountered was a patchy covering of yellow-white exudates of pus over tonsils of peter. This type of symptoms may be seen in the condition of acute tonsillitis and when there is a viral infection. It can be seen most of the time that tonsils during an infection are bright red and coated by yellow-white pus. In respect to the peters case, it can be concluded that the infection of virus of influenza in his tonsils is the main reason of the accumulation of patchy yellow-white pus in that portion of the throat (Grossman et al., 2014). Replication of microorganisms Compare and contrast the processes by which viruses and bacteria replicate Bacterial Replication process Viral replication process Bacteria have its own replication machinery and cell organelle. Viruses hire the replication machinery of the bacteria. Bacteria replicate their own DNA or RNA. Most of the bacteria normally carry out asexual reproduction. Some bacteria also perform sexual reproduction in which a transfer of the genetic material (plasmid) between two bacteria occurs. The bacteria cannot degrade the genetic material of the virus because the genetic material of the virus is always packaged in a protein membranous coat. The viruses either the degrade the DNA or RNA of the bacteria and uses the replication machinery of the bacteria to replicate their own genetic material or sometimes the virus incorporate its genetic material into the DNA or RNA of the bacteria and gets it genetic material replicated with the replication of the host DNA or RNA. Similarity Both bacteria and virus uses the same replication machinery because the virus just hacks the replication machinery of the bacteria the replication enzyme for both the virus and bacteria are same. Presentation Referencing in-text and in reference list conforms to APA 6th referencing style. Critique supported by relevant literature as prescribed. Correct sentence structure, paragraph, grammatical construction, spelling, punctuation and presentation. Reference: Boland, M. (Director ), Wilson, J. (writer). (2011). Infection control in healthcare [video file] Bullock, S., Manias, E. (2013).Fundamentals of pharmacology. Pearson Higher Education AU. Craft, J., Gordon, C., Huether, S. E., McCance, K. L., Brashers, V. L. (2015).Understanding pathophysiology-ANZ adaptation. Elsevier Health Sciences. Grossman, S., Porth, C. M., Conelius, J., Gerard, S. O., Moriber, N., O'Shea, E. R., Wheeler, K. (2014). Porth's Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. Lee, G.M., Bishop, P (Eds) (2016) Microbiology and infection control for health professionals (6th ed.). Melbourne , Australia Pearson. Lehne, R.A.., Moore, L.A., Crosby, L.J., Hamilton, D.B. (2012). Pharmacology for nursing care (8th ed.). St. Louis,Mo: Elsevier Marieb, E.N., Hoehn, K. (2016). Human anatomy Physiology(10th global ed.). Harlow United Kingdom: Pearson, World Health Organisation, (2015). Influenza, an unpredictable threat [video file]
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The pioneer experiences free essay sample
The western migration of the mid-nineteenth century was a time of uncertainty for America. It was also a time of excitement because of the new adventures that awaited Americans. Although western migration was difficult, many chose to undertake it because they wanted a new life, riches, and a chance to own their own land. There was also a religious aspect, as some people moved to be missionaries to the Native Americans and to form new churches and religions. The pioneer experiences of men and women differed in several ways. This is evidenced by the writings of Lydia Allen Rudd and Elizabeth Dixon Smith Geer. Elizabeth talked about constant rain and carrying two children through the mud and water. She also talked about looking for shelter for her sick husband and watching him deteriorate. She also writes about how the children had great responsibilities such as driving cattle and oxen. Elizabeth talks incessantly of the impossibility of cooking or staying warm and dry. We will write a custom essay sample on The pioneer experiences or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page  Much of this has to do with when she and her family chose to travel. She also writes that with her husband ill, â€Å"the whole care of everything falls upon [her] shoulders (Geer 1847).†This contrasts sharply with Lydia Allen Rudd. Though in her account there is rain, she remains upbeat, sharing the soaring vistas and her experiences with the Native Americans. All is not grand, however. She speaks of seeing the graves of men and women having died of measles and cholera. Her diary tells of reaching Salem, Oregon, and also Burlington. There, they are successful in finding both employment and housing for the winter (1852). Men, on the other hand, saw much more violence in their lives. In looking at Edward Gould Buffum’s account of life in the gold mines, he tells of the â€Å"trial†of five men who were consequently lashed, and three of those men who were tried for attempted murder and robbery. A jury found the men guilty. Buffum notes that â€Å"the charges against them were well substantiated, but amounted to nothing more than an attempt at robbery and murder; no overt act being even alleged (1850).† The sentence was death by hanging, and they were hanged that very day. Such was frontier justice. Buffum even protested against the mens’ death sentence, but stopped when the mob threatened to hang him. Government played a huge role in encouraging and supporting westward migration. This was accomplished by the Homestead Act of 1862. It took affect on the first of January of 1863. It gave anyone twenty one or older who is a citizen or intended to become a citizen, and â€Å"who had never borne arms against the United States Government or given aid and comfort to its enemies†entitlement to land at $1.25 per acre, so long as the claim did not exceed a hundred sixty acres. The only thing the person had to do was swear out an affidavit that they were the head of household, or is twenty one, or given service in the US armed forces, never borne arms against the US and never given aid or comfort to its enemies. The person also had to hold the land for five years. The idea of Manifest Destiny fit in well with the actual experiences of the pioneers. Though the road was tough, the rewards were great, as many people made their fortunes in the west. Manifest Destiny, or the idea that America had a God-given right to all of North America did fit in well with the actual experiences of the pioneers. It did not, however, respect the culture of the Native Americans. Native Americans were forced to move from ancestral lands, and some began to assimilate. This was largely due to the amount of missionaries that moved from the east to Oregon. Their goal was to â€Å"civilize†the â€Å"savage†Native Americans.There was, however, a place where the Americans and the Native Americans came together without argument. That place was called Middle Ground. It was a place where Native Americans and Americans came together for trade. Manifest Destiny also affected communications. Mail traveled over a route known as the Butterfield Trail. This trail between Saint Louis and SanFrancisco took two weeks for mail to travel it. This helped to foster the development of the Pony Express. It ran for eighteen months and used relays of young riders to move mail slightly faster than traditional mail. Many went to Oregon and California to seek their fortunes and establish new lives. Sometimes, this involved religious differences. The Mormons for example, moved because they were not accepted in either New York or Illinois. In the two female accounts that were discussed, the women moved with their families to seek a new life in Oregon. In the account of Edward Gould Buffum, he had spent six months in the California gold mines. Even Horace Greely got into the idea of Manifest Destiny, advocating for a transcontinental railroad as a way to facilitate communication and transportation to the new territories. He also talks about the need for education and â€Å"virtuous women (Greely, 1860).† Additionally, he discusses the need for the families of the men in California to have their families. He feels settlement would again be facilitated by a transcontinental railroad. Families would move with their men, and more families would be willing to move out west on the comfort of the trains, rather than take the wagon trains through the uncertain weather. The growth of towns showed that people were taking the idea of Manifest Destiny seriously. The mass migration of immigrants to California numbered 80,000, and the city of San Francisco grew from 848 to an astonishing 60,000. The pioneer experiences and Manifest Destiny walked hand in hand through history. Manifest Destiny’s goal of taking over the continent combined with the curiosity of the American Pioneer. Their experiences helped forever shape the new America. The United States Government helped by passing the Homestead Act, which encouraged people to settle in the new territories. Though their experiences were different, collectively, men and women helped shape a new America full of new challenges and new rewards. Bibliography 37th Congress, Homestead Act of 1862. 1862.http://wpscms.pearson.cmg.com/long_longman_mhlus_0/0,11867,3125072- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). Bauer, William J.. Dismantling Indian Country in the Nineteenth Century. History: Reviews of New Books 36, no. 2 (2008): 49-52. Buffum, Edward. Six Months in the Gold Mines. 1850.http://wpscms.pearson.cmg.com/long_longman_mhlus_0/0,11867,3124634- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). Geer, Elizabeth. Journal. 1847. 1848.http://wpscms.pearson.cmg.com/long_longman_mhlus_0/0,11867,3124638- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). Graulich, Melody. Review of West of Emerson: The Design of Manifest Destiny. Amercan  Literature 76, no. 3 (2004): 617-619. Greely, Horace. An Overland Journey. 1860.http://wpscms.pearson.cmg.com/long_longman_mhlus_0/0,11867,3124701- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). OSullivan, John. The Great Nation of Futurity. http://wpscms.pearsoncmg.com/long_longman_mhlus_0/0,11867,3124755- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). Rudd, Lydia. Diary of Westward Travel 1852. 1852.http://wpscms.pearson.cmg.com/long_longman_mhlus_0/0,11867,3124798- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009).
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
RAND Report Details 9-11 Victims Compensation
RAND Report Details 9-11 Victims Compensation Dateline: January, 2005 A study released by the RAND Corporation shows that victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks - both individuals killed or seriously injured and individuals and businesses impacted by the strikes - have received at least $38.1 billion in compensation, with insurance companies and the federal government providing more than 90 percent of the payments. New York businesses have received 62 percent of the total compensation, reflecting the broad-ranging economic impacts of the attack in and near the World Trade Center. Among individuals killed or seriously injured, emergency responders and their families have received more than civilians and their families who suffered similar economic losses. On average, first responders have received about $1.1 million more per person than civilians with similar economic loss. The 9-11 terrorist attacks resulted in the deaths of 2,551 civilians and serious injury to another 215. The attacks also killed or seriously injured 460 emergency responders. â€Å"The compensation paid to the victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania was unprecedented both in its scope and in the mix of programs used to make payments,†said Lloyd Dixon, a RAND senior economist and lead author of the report. â€Å"The system has raised many questions about equity and fairness that have no obvious answers. Addressing these issues now will help the nation be better prepared for future terrorism. Dixon and co-author Rachel Kaganoff Stern interviewed and gathered evidence from many sources to estimate the amount of compensation paid out by insurance companies, government agencies and charities following the attacks. Their findings include: Insurance companies expect to make at least $19.6 billion in payments, comprising 51 percent of the money paid in compensation.Government payments total nearly $15.8 billion (42 percent of the total). This includes payments from local, state and federal governments, plus payments from the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund of 2001 that was established by the federal government to compensate those killed or physically injured in the attacks. The total does not include payments to clean up the World Trade Center site or rebuild public infrastructure in New York City.Payments by charitable groups comprise just 7 percent of the total, despite the fact that charities distributed an unprecedented $2.7 billion to victims of the attacks.Because of concerns that liability claims would clog the courts and create further economic harm, the federal government limited the liability of airlines, airports and certain government bodies. The government established the Victim Compensation Fund to m ake payments to families for the deaths and injuries of victims. In addition, the government funded a major economic revitalization program for New York City.RAND researchers found that businesses hurt by the attacks have received most of the compensation that the study was able to quantify. The families of civilians killed and the civilians who were injured received the second-highest payments. The study found that: Businesses in New York City, particularly in lower Manhattan near the World Trade Center, have received $23.3 billion in compensation for property damage, disrupted operations, and economic incentives. About 75 percent of that came from insurance companies. More than $4.9 billion went to revitalize the economy of Lower Manhattan.Civilians killed or seriously injured received a total of $8.7 billion, averaging about $3.1 million per recipient. Most of this came from the Victim Compensation Fund, but payments also came from insurance companies, employers and charities.About $3.5 billion was paid to displaced residents, workers who lost their jobs, or others who suffered emotional trauma or were exposed to environmental hazards.Emergency responders killed or injured received a total of $1.9 billion, with most of that coming from the government. Payments averaged about $1.1 million more per person than for civilians with similar economic losses, with most of the higher amount due to paym ents from charities.​ Certain features of the Victim Compensation Fund tended to increase compensation relative to economic loss. Other features tended to decrease compensation relative to economic loss. Researchers say more detailed individual data are needed to determine the net effect. For example, the Victim Compensation Fund decided to limit the amount of lost future earnings it would consider when calculating awards for survivors. Administrators capped income the fund would consider at $231,000 per year in projecting future lifetime earnings, even though many people killed earned more than that amount. The special master of the Victim Compensation Fund had substantial discretion to set final awards for higher income earners, but data are not available on how he exercised that discretion.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Bacteriophage Life Cycle Animation
Bacteriophage Life Cycle Animation Bacteriophages are viruses that infect​ bacteria. A bacteriophage can have a protein tail attached to the capsid (protein coat that envelopes the genetic material), which is used to infect the host bacteria. All About Viruses Scientists have long sought to uncover the structure and function of viruses. Viruses are unique they have been classified as both living and nonliving at various points in the history of biology. A virus particle, also known as a virion, is essentially a nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein shell or coat. Viruses are extremely small, approximately 15 - 25 nanometers in diameter. Virus Replication Viruses are intracellular obligate parasites, which means that they cannot reproduce or express their genes without the help of a living cell. Once a virus has infected a cell, it will use the cells ribosomes, enzymes, and much of the cellular machinery to reproduce. Viral replication produces many progeny that leave the host cell to infect other cells. Bacteriophage Life Cycle A bacteriophage reproduces by one of two types of life cycles. These cycles are the lysogenic life cycle and the lytic life cycle. In the lysogenic cycle, bacteriophages reproduce without killing the host. Genetic recombination occurs between the viral DNA and the bacterial genome as the viral DNA is inserted into the bacterial chromosome. In the lytic life cycle, the virus breaks open or lyses the host cell. This results in the death of the host. Bacteriophage Life Cycle Animation Below are animations of the lytic life cycle of a bacteriophage.Animation AThe bacteriophage attaches to the cell wall of a bacterium.Animation BThe bacteriophage injects its genome into the bacterium.Animation CThis animation shows the replication of the viral genome.Animation DBacteriophages are released by lysis.Animation ESummary of the entire lytic life cycle of a bacteriophage.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Disadvantages and Tax Consequences of Partnerships Essay
Disadvantages and Tax Consequences of Partnerships - Essay Example This paper discusses that a partnership has some tax benefits in comparison to other different business entities. Thus, for example, loss or income distribution or allocation should be proportional to the ownership stakes of the stakeholders of a given corporation, whereas for a partnership, it may allocate cash flow or income amongst the partners that suits them best. In addition, a partnership allows resource pooling, needs basic filling requirements, avoids double taxation like that of corporate profits together with being reasonably easy to suspend operations. A partnership can therefore liquidate tax-free, but a corporation is usually taxed at the entity point whenever it liquidates. The other tax break for a limited partnership concerns limited partners. Normally, general partners usually pay self-employment taxes since they are involved actively in the daily running of their business operations.This essay stresses that self-employment taxation comprises of Medicare and S ocial Security taxes put together and normally accounts for 15.3% of the total income of a partner as of 2013.It is important to note that a limited partner who does not take part in the operation of the business is not entitled to self-employment taxation. A conventional partnership usually has authority distributed equally between the partners, and thus, no hierarchy of authority exists. Inflexibility is particularly undesirable when the partners have existing disagreements amongst themselves.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Engineering Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Engineering Ethics - Essay Example The whole logical decision making procedures begin with scrutinizing the project that falls under the domain of the engineering professional field and analyzing the output or the consequences of those projects within the circumstances that encircles the most preserved ideals and principles. At later stages, these engineering ethics listed ideals are being actively considered by scientific and technical professionals in a situation of necessity specially those which would create public roles out of those professionals in situations where their understanding of technology and its impact could become a sapling with a potential to enable common public to have a peek into new thinking, debate, and action. Hence, ethical responsibility has now moved beyond the earlier definition that revolves around decency, honesty and truthfulness in life. At the same time, it has moved past the concept of wise decision making and is now more than mere selection through those wise concepts over choices s plattered suddenly or better to say unexpectedly. The moral for an individual should now diversify with the spurted desire to involve others and forming a team in taking decisions with a purpose to define the steps undertaking the crucial choices. The difficulty over here is that of utilizing own intelligence that might sometime challenge the dominance of the technology and machines (Collins). Various societies of professional Engineers have provided code of ethics for engineers. Almost all those enlisted codes underscore the importance of engineering profession and how an engineering profession makes changes to this world could and hence needs to follow those codes. The structure over which this world now relies for day to day movement and work is very much a result of efforts made by Engineering for centuries. They have got direct and vital impact on common man's life and their quality of living. Their presence is everywhere either in form of service or products that have now become indispensible. The electricity, electronic equipments, the houses we live, the roads e travel, the vehicle we board, the communication devices through which we make virtual connection with the rest of the world. The presence of engineering marvel is spread all across. Now, here comes the point which encircles over issues that makes the code of engineering ethics important. The engineers are s upposed or better to say have a say almost everywhere including public health, safety and welfare. So, they need to practice highest level of honesty, fairness, impartiality and equity. The standard of professional behavior being practiced by engineers should enlighten itself through highest principles of ethical conduct (NSPE, [National Society for Professional Engineers]). The code begins with some fundamental canons. These provides point wise list following which is a must when engineers are observing their professional duties. These canons have great importance as they necessitate the importance of engineering as a profession and at the same time provide engineers a level of seriousness to their existence and utilization as a professional. The code states that the most important of all is nothing but public's safety, welfare and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Blast Report Essay Example for Free
Blast Report Essay Blast Report The case study I received was about a family of four that was experiencing symptoms of fever, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea. The children were affected more severely than the adults. It seems that the family consumed spoiled food considering that their fridge broke early in the day and they ate the food that was in there later on. My blast came up with a 99. 6% match with Salmonella typhimurium. This seems to be an accurate match considering the symptoms related with a Salmonella typhimurium infection. Salmonella causes gastroenteritis with symptoms f diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain with elderly people, children and pregnant women being at greatest risk of developing infection. This is consistent with the familys children having more severe symptoms. Symptoms typically last two to five days. S. typhimurium causes infection by invading the intestinal mucosa and multiplying in specialized vacuoles and then invading the liver and spleen where it causes systematic disease. S. typhimurium enters the host orally through spoiled or undercooked meat and the incubation period is about 12 to 24 hours. It can also be transmitted through the fecal matter or contaminated water which can easily happen in poorly developed countries with poor waste management. Infection of S. typhimurium is highest in countries with poor sanitation but it can occur in any part of the world. The infection should clear up on its own for healthy individuals with access to clean water and food but if the infection spreads to the bloodstream, antibiotics will need to be taken. Transmission can be easily prevented by properly handling and cooking food, and by washing hands often. Since this family is therwise healthy and has access to clean food and water, they should be fine within a few days with no need for antibiotics. S. typhimurium is a rod shaped gram-negative bacterium. It is a facultative anaerobe so it does not require oxygen to survive. It is also motile via use of flagella. Unlike most Salmonella species, S. typhimurium does not ferment lactose. The citation I selected discusses the effect of the addition of nisin to current Salmonella antibiotics. Overuse and abuse of antibiotics has lead to a serious ongoing problem of antibiotic resistance.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
othello :: essays research papers
Othello, Moorish commander of the armed forces of Venice, had secretly married Desdemona, the much younger daughter of the respected Senator Brabantio. Capitalizing on this news, Othello's ensign, Iago, who had earlier professed his desires to Desdemona without receiving her love in return, sought revenge. Also passed over for promotion as Othello's new lieutenant chief of staff, the Moor having chosen instead a loyal Florentine, Michael Cassio, Iago now devised a scheme to rid himself of these sorry reminders of his own failings. He dispatched his inexperienced follower, Roderigo, to inform Brabantio of the illicit marriage. The thought of a beguiling Moor's marrying his beloved daughter without consent, led the Senator with his guards to Othello's house. However, violence was postponed by the report of an imminent attack on Cyprus from armed Turkish galleys. The Duke of Venice summoned Othello to the senate chambers. When Desdemona appeared and professed her love for Othello, the Duke cleared him of wrongdoing, saying to Brabantio, "If virtue no delighted beauty lack, / Your son-in-law is far more fair than black." Then the Duke directed his courageous commander to lead the Venetian forces to Cyprus in its defense. With his honor intact, and through Desdemona's pleas to remain with her love, Othello gained permission to have her sail with him. For the voyage, Othello entrusted Desdemona to the care of Iago's wife, Emilia, who did not suspect her husband's treachery. Before the soldier band could reach its enemy, a storm destroyed the Turkish fleet and dispersed the Venetian vessels. Fortunately, all of Othello's ships returned safely to Cyprus and Othello and his bride were reunited. Iago's hateful plan turned now to lies and innuendo. Seeing the infatuation his pawn Roderigo had for Desdemona, Iago engaged Rodcrigo in conversation, promising that he could secure for him Desdemona's love: I hate the Moor. My cause is hearted: thine both no less reason. Let s be conjunctive in our revenge against him. If thou canst cuckold him, thou dost thyself a pleasure, me a sport. But then evil Iago demanded a price for Desdemona: Roderigo would have to engage Cassio in a fight during the lieutenant's night watch. Iago further fanned Roderigo's readiness to kill Cassio by claiming that Cassio was Desdcmona's latest love. That night Iago succeeded in getting Cassio drunk, and the brawl turned to riot. By way of reprimand, Othello was forced to demotc Cassio, a severe blow to the high-ranking officer.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The writeup focuses on the lives of individuals
Is a book that describes how low ranking and shy individuals have suddenly become a public figure And the question will be that of what siginificance is homosexuality history in Africa? And how this information can help in the fight against the scouge of HIV AIDS ,inequality in socal status as well as gender violence in African continent.The writeup focuses on the lives of individuals who do not comply with the societal conventios in regards to marriage and love drawing from Epprecht and  books.HUNGOCHANI is a book written by Eppreth on nauthodox and nonconforming sexuality in southAfrica.coupled therefore with intelligent writing from other writers one can get a clear image of individuals who do practice what their environment expect as core values.Additional material includes several fictionalised accounts of same-sex relationships in southern Africa.The greatest shocker in Africa in the recent period is the emergence of terms like homosexuality,gay legal rig hts and homophobia and lesbianism all to the chagrin and annoyance of many.Ephereth book also reported incidence of same sex marrage for instance in 1990,GALZ was founded in ZIMbabwe with the objective of enhancing interaction among the gay group members.They have moved further at resent by looking for how to form alliance with activist organization such as he womens;s right campaign group , organizations campaigning agaist HIV/AIDS and human rights groups.The aims of GALZ in Zimbabwe is therefore to increase gays rights awareness in a compound forum thereby facilitating the incorporation of this rights along with some of the other fundamental human rights.This is an area that civil organization are yet to have headway in south Africa.Ghana became in 1957 the first country in colonial Africa to gain its independence. Lesbians and gays, though, are still waiting to be liberated from a repressive British legacy: sodomy laws.A gay social life exists, mostly in the form of h ouse parties, and a few queer-friendly clubs in the capital, Accra, but there are risks. Because homosexuality is illegal, club-goers, especially tourists, risk blackmail. If they don't pay, social and legal consequences can be serious.The book examines is a mix of works in the gay and lesbian associations and it uses journals and other significant materials to make new record in this regards.the books gave atreatise on therecords of Lesbians and gays in the Japanese pacific fight issues like gayism,trangenderism a and also lesbianism.It delves in to queer roups interface in the growing international community and US ,it argues the meaning attributed to the various queer society and opes the eyes of readers to the development o gays and lesbians in the japan after the war .Mac Clelland article titled the social situation facing gay in japan demonstreates how the society sees and reacts to Queers and reveals the whole organization of Japanese nation and th e expent of tolerancr to sexual minorities as they have a strong component of the Human Rights policies constructed by the â€Å"Tokyo City Human Rights Policy Directive Manual released in 2000†.The promise to protect the human rights was made by Japanese government following resistance from the Japanese public,Queer activist group and human rights organization when the policy of 200 excluded the inclusion of gays
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Indias Foreign Trade Policy Essay
In the last five years India’s exports witnessed robust growth to reach a level of US$ 168 billion in 2008-09 from US$ 63 billion in 2003-04. India’s share of global merchandise trade was 0.83% in 2003; it rose to 1.45% in 2008 as per WTO estimates. India’s share of global commercial services export was 1.4% in 2003; it rose to 2.8% in 2008. India’s total share in goods and services trade was 0.92% in 2003; it increased to 1.64% in 2008. On the employment front, studies have suggested that nearly 14 million jobs were created directly or indirectly as a result of augmented exports in the last five years. As the export sector has been a major casualty in this downturn the Indian Government has set in motion strategies and policy measures which will catalyse the growth of exports. The short term objective of the Foreign Trade Policy (2009-14) is to arrest and reverse the declining trend of exports and to provide additional support especially to those sectors which have been hit badly by recession in the developed world. The Policy Objectives are as follows: a) Achieving an annual export growth of 15% with an annual export target of US$ 200 billion by March 2011. b) In the remaining three years of this Foreign Trade Policy i.e. upto 2014, the country should be able to come back on the high export growth path of around 25% per annum. c) By 2014, the policy aims to double India’s exports of goods and services. d) The long term policy objective for the Government is to double India’s share in global trade by 2020. HIGHLIGHTS OF FOREIGN TRADE POLICY 2009-2014 Higher Support for Market and Product Diversification 1. Incentive schemes have been expanded by way of addition of new products and markets. 2. 26 new markets have been added under Focus Market Scheme. These include 16 new markets in Latin America and 10 in Asia-Oceania. 3. The incentive available under Focus Market Scheme (FMS) has been raised from 2.5% to 3%. 4. The incentive available under Focus Product Scheme (FPS) has been raised from 1.25% to 2%. 5. A large number of products from various sectors have been included for benefits under FPS. 6. Market Linked Focus Product Scheme (MLFPS) has been greatly expanded. 7. MLFPS benefits also extended for export to additional new markets for certain products. 8. A common simplified application form has been introduced for taking benefits under FPS, FMS, MLFPS and VKGUY. 9. Higher allocation for Market Development Assistance (MDA) and Market Access Initiative (MAI) schemes is being provided. Technological Upgradation 1. To aid technological upgradation of our export sector, EPCG Scheme at Zero Duty has been introduced. EPCG Scheme Relaxations 1. To increase the life of existing plant and machinery, export obligation on import of spares, moulds etc. under EPCG Scheme has been reduced to 50% of the normal specific export obligation. 2. Taking into account the decline in exports, the facility of Re-fixation of Annual Average Export Obligation for a particular financial year in which there is decline in exports from the country, has been extended for the 5 year Policy period 2009-14. Stability/ continuity of the Foreign Trade Policy 1. To impart stability to the Policy regime, Duty Entitlement Passbook (DEPB) Scheme is extended beyond 31-12-2009 till 31.12.2010. 2. Interest subvention of 2% for pre-shipment credit for 7 specified sectors has been extended till 31.3.2010 in the Budget 2009-10. 3. Income Tax exemption to 100% EOUs and to STPI units under Section 10B and 10A of Income Tax Act, has been extended for the financial year 2010-11 in the Budget 2009-10. 4. The adjustment assistance scheme initiated in December, 2008 to provide enhanced ECGC cover at 95%, to the adversely affected sectors, is continued till March, 2010. Introduction The gems and jewellery sector is a major foreign exchange earner. Due to its importance in India’s foreign trade, the government has taken many initiatives to boost the sector. The government, for instance, has declared this sector as a thrust area for exports. During the global economic meltdown especially the government has dealt out many initiatives for the badly-affected sector. This chapter focuses on the various policies and measures that were taken by the government for the gems and jewellery sector. Regulating Bodies Gems & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC): Established in 1966, the GJEPC is the apex body of the Indian gems and jewellery industry, and has around 6,500 members across India. The primary goal of the Council is to introduce the Indian gems and jewellery to the international market and to promote their exports. The Council provides market information to its members regarding foreign trade inquiries, trade and tariff regulations, rates of import duties, and information about jewellery fairs and exhibitions. The roles played by the GJPEC are broadly highlighted below: Trade Facilitator The Council promotes the Indian gems and jewellery industry in the international market. It organises international jewellery shows, hosts trade delegations, and undertakes image-building exercises through advertisements, publications and audio-visual means. Advisory Role The Council also aids better interaction and understanding between traders and government. The Council takes up relevant issues with the government and agencies connected with exports. It also submits documents for consideration and inclusion in the Exim Policy. Nodal Agency for Kimberley Process Certification Scheme GJEPC works closely with the Indian government and the traders to implement and oversee the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme; in fact, the Council has been appointed as the nodal agency in India under the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. Training and Research The GJEPC runs many institutes that provide training in all aspects of manufacturing and design in Mumbai, Delhi, Surat and Jaipur. Varied Interests The Council publishes many brochures, statistical booklets, trade directories and a bi-monthly magazine – Solitaire International, which is distributed internationally as well as to its members. Gem & Jewellery Trade Council of India (GJTCI): The GJTCI was founded in 2000, and is tasked with resolving any issue arising from trade in gems and jewellery. It plays an important role in showcasing the Indian gems and jewellery to the international as well as the domestic market. Like the GJEPC, GJTCI also provides information to its members through a monthly newsletter, various educative and trade-motivational events such as seminars, workshops, exhibitions, festivals etc. The Bureau of Indian Standards: The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the National Standards Body of India, is a statutory body set up under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 and is responsible for hallmarking gold jewellery in India. Deregulation of Gold in India In the pre-liberalisation period (prior to 1991), severe restrictions on the export and import of gold from and into India were imposed. During that time only the State Bank of India (SBI) and the Metals Trading Corporation of India (MMTC) were allowed to import gold. The reasons for imposing these restrictions were: * To reduce demand for, as well as availability of gold * To alter the savings preferences of the population in favour of investments other than gold/silver * To stop smuggling of gold * To conserve foreign exchange resources * To prevent generation of or to unearth black money. It was thought that since gold was one of the most obvious choices for keeping undeclared/ill-gotten income and wealth, a policy to restrict supply of gold would be effective in curbing black money. Several schemes that restricted the export and import of gold were launched in various forms between 1947 and 1963, but the control regime finally took shape with the implementation of the Gold Control Act 1968. This Act did not allow goldsmiths to receive more than 100 grams of standard gold for manufacturing jewellery. Further, a certified goldsmith was not allowed to possess a stock of more than 300 grams of primary gold at any time. The quantity of primary gold possessed by a licensed dealer was limited between 400 grams and 2 kg, depending on the number of artisans employed. There was a legal ban on gold transaction between dealers. The government abolished the Gold Control Act when the balance of payment crisis occurred in 1990, after which the large export houses could import gold freely. Exporters in the export processing zones were allowed to sell 10% of their produce in the domestic market. In 1993, gold and diamond mining were opened up for private investors and foreign investors were allowed to own half of the equity in mining ventures. In 1997, overseas banks and bullion suppliers were also allowed to import gold into India. These measures led to the entry of foreign players such as De Beers, Tiffany and Cartier into the Indian market. Foreign Direct Investment Policy * At present, the Indian government allows 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in gems and jewellery through the automatic route. * For exploration and mining of diamonds and precious stones FDI is allowed up to 74% under the automatic route. * For exploration and mining of gold and silver and minerals other than diamonds and precious stones, metallurgy and processing, FDI is allowed up to 100% under the automatic route. Kimberley Process (KP) The Kimberley Process came into force when the South African diamond producing nations met at Kimberley in South Africa in May 2000. The Kimberly Process was set up to discuss ways to stop the trade in ‘conflict diamonds’ and to ensure that diamond purchases did not fund violence. As of November 2008, the KP had 49 members, representing 75 countries. The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) was implemented in India on January 1, 2003 to verify the legitimacy of the import / export of rough diamonds as per the UN resolution and to curb the entry of conflict diamonds into the global trade flow. The system of verification and issuance of KPC is administered from the Mumbai and Surat offices of GJEPC. In India’s Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14, the following measures related to the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) have been adopted: * No import or export of rough diamonds shall be permitted unless accompanied by the KP certificate as specified by the GJEPC. * The export and import of rough diamonds to and from Venezuela has been prohibited by the Indian government owing to the voluntary separation of Venezuela from the KPCS. Government Initiatives to Boost the Sector Measures taken by the government in the Union Budget 2009-10: Customs Duty on Gold and Silver * Customs duty on serially numbered gold bars (other than tola bars) and gold coins to be increased from Rs 100 per 10 gram to Rs 200 per 10 gram. Customs duty on other forms of gold to be increased from Rs 250 per 10 gram to Rs 500 per 10 gram. * Customs duty on silver to be increased from Rs 500 per kg to Rs 1,000 per kg. These increases will also be applicable when gold and silver (including ornaments) are imported as personal baggage Central Excise Duty * Excise duty on branded articles of jewellery to be reduced from 2% to nil. * All categories within HS code 71 except the ‘diamonds whether or not worked but not mounted or set’ (HS code 7102) and certain sub-categories within HS code 7104 and 7106 currently have an excise duty rate of 16%. * The category ‘diamonds whether or not worked but not mounted or set’ (HS code 7102) currently does not attract any excise duty. * Sub-category ‘Piezo-electric quartz’ (HS code 71041000), silver (including silver plated with gold or platinum) in powdered form (HS code 71061000), unwrought (HS code 71069100) and other (HS code 71069290) do not attract any excise duty. Fiscal Stimulus Measures (December 2008) The Reserve Bank of India announced certain fiscal stimulus measures in December 2008 to revive the Indian economy during the onset of the global financial crisis. The following measures were announced for the Indian gems and jewellery sector: * Increasing the post-shipment Rupee export credit period from 90 days to 180 days from November 28, 2008 * Increasing the pre-shipment rupee export credit period from 180 days to 270 days from November 15, 2008 * Providing an interest subvention of 2% up to March 31, 2009, subject to minimum rate of interest of 7% per annum, to make pre and post-shipment export credit for gems and jewellery more attractive * Allowing exporters to avail refund of service tax on foreign agent commissions of up to 10% of FOB value of exports. They will also be allowed refund of service tax on output services while availing of benefits under Duty Drawback Scheme * Banks will charge interest rate not exceeding Benchmark Prime Lending Rate (BPLR) minus 4.5% on pre-shipment credit up to 270 days and post-shipment credit up to 180 days on the outstanding amount for the period December 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009. Export Facilitation Measures by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Further, in February 2009, the gems and jewellery sector got a special boost from the Ministry of Commerce with the following announcements: Gems and jewellery, diamonds and precious metals were given a special boost by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Export Promotion Council for Gems and Jewellery and Star Trading Houses (in the gems and jewellery sector). Besides, the Diamond India Ltd, MSTC Ltd and STCL Ltd were added under the list of nominated agencies notified under Para 4 A.4 of foreign trade policy for the import of precious metals. * Surat, Gujarat has been given the recognition of a town of export excellence, because it is home to thousands of diamond units that employ many diamond workers. * The authorised persons of gems and jewellery units in export-oriented units will be allowed to carry personal carriage of gold in primary form up to 10 kg in a financial year subject to the RBI and customs guidelines. * Import restrictions on worked corals have been removed to address the grievance of gem and jewellery exporters. Foreign Trade Policy 2009-2014 Foreign Trade Policy has identified the gems and jewellery sector as a thrust area with prospects for export expansion and employment generation. The highlights of the policy are: a. Import of gold of 8 carat and above allowed under replenishment scheme subject to import being accompanied by an Assay Certificate specifying purity, weight and alloy content. b. Duty Free Import Entitlement (based on FOB value of exports during the previous financial year) of consumables and tools, for: 1. Jewellery made out of: i. Precious metals (other than gold and platinum) – 2% ii. Gold and platinum – 1% iii. Rhodium finished silver – 3% 2. Cut and polished diamonds – 1% 3. Duty free import entitlement of consumables for metals other than gold, platinum will be 2% of FOB value of exports during the previous financial year. c. Duty-free import entitlement of commercial samples shall be Rs 300,000. d. Duty free re-import entitlement for rejected jewellery shall be 2% of FOB value of exports. e. Import of diamonds on consignment basis for certification/ grading and re-export by the authorised offices/agencies of Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in India or other approved agencies will be permitted. f. To promote export of gems and jewellery products, the value limits of personal carriage of gems and jewellery products in case of holding/participating in overseas exhibitions increased to US$ 5 mn and to US$ 1 mn in case of export promotion tours. Further, the limit in case of personal carriage, as samples, for export promotion tours, has been increased from US$ 0.1 mn to US$ 1 mn. g. Extension in number of days for re-import of unsold items in case of participation in an exhibition in the US increased to 90 days. h. In an endeavour to make India a diamond international trading hub, diamond bourses will be planned. i. Gems and jewellery units may sell up to 10% of FOB value of exports of the preceding year in Domestic Tariff Area (DTA), subject to fulfilment of positive Net Foreign Exchange (NFE). In respect of sale of plain jewellery, recipient shall pay concessional rate of duty as applicable to sale from nominated agencies. In order to boost the gems and jewellery sector, the value addition norms were reduced in the FTP 2009-14. Earlier, owing to abrupt fluctuation in gold prices, exporters were unable to comply with the previous high value addition norms. Under the scheme for export of jewellery, value addition shall be calculated as per paragraph 4 A.6 of FTP. Minimum value addition shall be: Special Economic Zones (SEZ) In order to boost foreign trade and investment, the Indian government introduced the SEZ policy in April 2000 under the Export-Import (EXIM) policy. Under the policy, the government allowed companies to set up units in SEZ to manufacture goods or provide services that facilitated a hassle-free environment for exports. However, it was the SEZ Act 2005 – passed in February 2006 – that laid down regulatory frameworks and rules for setting up and for the operation of SEZs. With extended tax holidays up to 15 years – from previous tax holiday of 10 years, the SEZ Act managed to generate considerable level of interest; as a result, the number of SEZs witnessed a sharp rise in a matter of few years. The Act envisages promoting exports of goods and services, promoting FDI, creating employment, generating economic activity and most importantly, developing infrastructure. To promote the exports of gems and jewellery, the government has set up various SEZs with specific incentives. Some important government policies relating to SEZs in the gems and jewellery sector are highlighted below: * No import or export of rough diamonds will be permitted unless the shipment parcel is accompanied by the Kimberley Process Certificate issued by the Development Commissioner. * Cut and polished diamonds and precious and semi-precious stones (except rough diamonds, precious or semiprecious stones having zero duty) shall not be allowed to be taken outside the SEZ for sub-contracting. * A gem and jewellery unit may receive plain gold or silver or platinum jewellery from the Domestic Tariff Area or from an EOU or from a unit in the same or another SEZ in exchange of equivalent content of gold or silver or platinum contained in the said jewellery after adjusting permissible wastage or manufacturing loss allowed under the provisions of the Foreign Trade Policy read with the handbook of procedures. * The DTA Unit undertaking sub-contracting or supplying jewellery against exchange of gold or silver or platinum shall not be entitled to export entitlements. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Sector Overview India has significant reserves of gold, diamond, ruby and other gemstones. Key states with gemstone reserves and mining potential are Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Chattisgarh, Bihar and Andhra Pradesh. Orissa has deposits of ruby and has about 20 varieties of various gemstones such as rhodoline, garnet, aquamarine, etc. Andhra Pradesh has gold and diamond bearing areas, as well as occurrences of semi-precious and abrasive stones spread over different districts. Diamonds are mined only at Panna in Madhya Pradesh by the National Mining Development Corporation. The two major segments of the sector in India are gold jewellery and diamonds. The country is the largest consumer of gold, accounting for more than 20% of the total world gold consumption. Gold jewellery forms around 80% of the Indian jewellery market, with the balance comprising fabricated studded jewellery that includes diamond and gemstone studded jewellery. A predominant portion of the gold jewellery manufactured in India is consumed in the domestic market. India is world’s largest cutting and polishing centre for diamonds; the cutting and polishing industry is well supported by government policies and the banking sector with around 50 banks providing nearly USD 3 billion of credit to the Indian diamond industry. It is considered to be diamond polishing and processing capital of the world as its artisans are skilled in processing small-sized diamonds. At present, India exports 95% of the world’s diamonds, according to statistics released by the Gems and Jewellery Export promotion Council (GJEPC). A major portion of the rough, uncut diamonds processed in India is exported, either in the form of polished diamonds or finished diamond jewellery. The size of the Indian gems and jewellery market is was USD 30.1 billion in 2011 and is expected to be USD 45 billion by 2015 on the back of increasing domestic demand. The country is one of the largest exporters of gems and jewellery and the industry is considered to play a vital role in the Indian economy as it is a leading foreign exchange earner. The sector is expected to generate up to USD 35 billion of revenue from exports by the year 2015. The countries where demand is increasing for Indian jewellery include the UAE, the US, Russia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Latin America and China. The sector provi des employment to around 1.8 million people. In the next five years, the sector is expected to create additional employment for around 1.1 million people. FDI into the diamond and gold ornaments sector was USD 302 million from April 2000 to April 2011, as per statistics released by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), which is part of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and is charged with the framing of the country’s FDI policy. The hub of India’s jewellery industry is Mumbai that receives the majority of the country’s gold and rough diamond imports. Mumbai has a considerable number of modern, semi-automatic factories and laser-cutting units, the majority of which are located in the special economic zone. Most of the diamond processing, though, is undertaken in Gujarat, (primarily in Surat, Bhavnagar, Ahmadabad and Bhuj) and in Rajasthan (Jaipur). Policy and Promotion The government has announced several measures for the promotion of the gems and jewellery sector in the New Foreign Trade Policy (2009-2014), some of the important ones being: ï‚ · To neutralize duty incidence on gold jewellery exports, duty drawback on such exports is now allowed. ï‚ · Import of diamonds on consignment basis for certification/grading and re-export by the authorized offices/agencies of Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in India or other approved agencies to be permitted. ï‚ · To promote exports of gems and jewellery products, the value limit of personal carriage has been increased from USD 2 million to USD 5 million in case of participation in overseas exhibitions. The limit in case of personal carriage as samples for export promotion tours has also been increased from USD 0.1 million to USD 1 million. ï‚ · The number of days for re-import of unsold items in the case of participation in an exhibition in the US has been increased to 90 days. The gover nment plans to establish diamond bourses in an endeavour to make India an international diamond trading hub. ï‚ · 100% FDI is permitted in the gems and jewellery sector through the automatic route. ï‚ · Gems and jewellery SEZs have been set up to promote investments in the sector. The names of operational SEZs in the sector are SEEPZ Special Economic Zone, Mumbai; Manikanchan SEZ, West Bengal; Jaipur SEZ; and Hyderabad Gems SEZ Ltd. Further, formal approval has been given to 13 SEZs in the sector  three have got in-principal approval and seven have been notified, as per the SEZ Board of Approval statistics. Major Players The gems and jewellery market essentially comprises sourcing, processing, manufacturing and selling of precious metals and gemstones such as gold, platinum, silver, diamond, ruby, sapphire, among others. This industry is highly unorganised and fragmented with 96% of the total players being family-owned businesses. Currently there are more than 500,000 gems and jewellery players across the country, with the majority being small players. Modern retail players have only 4% to 6% share, which is perhaps one of the lowest when compared to other sectors such as apparel, footwear, books and music. At the same time, India is gaining prominence as an international sourcing destination for high-quality designer jewellery. Global companies such as Walmart and JC Penney procure jewellery from India. Some of the major brands in the Indian jewellery segment are Gili, Tanishq, Carbon, Oyzterbay and Trendsmith. The major players in the Indian gems and jewellery retail sector are Reliance Retail, Damas Jewellery, Gitanjali Gems Ltd., Swarovski, Diamond Trading Company, Vardhaman Developers, Dubai-based Joy Alukkas, Viswa and Devji Diamonds and Gold Souk India. Sector Outlook A FICCI-Technopak report estimates that gems and jewellery exports will grow to USD 58 billion by 2015. It also estimates that the domestic market for gems and jewellery will touch USD 35 billion to USD 40 billion by 2015. India has several strengths that have made it a significant force in the global gems and jewellery business. These are: ï‚ · Highly skilled, yet low-cost labour. ï‚ · Established manufacturing excellence in jewellery and diamond polishing. ï‚ · India is the most technologically advanced diamond cutting centre in the world. ï‚ · Opportunity to address one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing gems and jewellery markets. ï‚ · Opportunity to leverage India’s strengths to address the global market. One of the most encouraging trends visible in the Indian gems and jewellery market is that the country is now beginning to move towards branded jewellery and consumers are increasingly accepting modern retail formats. According to the FICCI-Technopak report, this would act as a catalyst for change and may impact traditional players, who would need to upgrade to keep pace with changing market trends. It is expected that, going forward, traditional players will coexist with modern players  this is, in fact, the trend in international markets where independent jewellers still hold significant market share. (b) Gems and Jewellery sector ï‚ · Export of Gems & Jewellery by Personal carriage through Mumbai and Jaipur Airports: Export of diamonds, gemstones and gold jewellery through personal carriage through Mumbai and Airports stopped though it is allowed in other airports. Customs authorities have stopped the facility of personal carriage of gems and jewellery both for export and import at Mumbai and Jaipur. → Mumbai Customs Commissionerate opines that the facility can be started only if the safe deposit vault is installed by the Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB). BDB has requested Mumbai International Airport Private Limited for allocating space of 200 sq ft for constructing the safe deposit vault for custody of personal carriage of import and export of precious cargo. Exporters want this to start immediately by using the available vault of customs at Airport. Recently, export by personal carriage was allowed in Mumbai Airport. However, customs authorities need to sort this out for smooth and continuous functioning of this facility. → Jaipur has limited international flights and there is no problem in personal carriage of these facilities for such flights. When Gateway ports other than Jaipur (like Delhi) are used the problem arises. Customs authorities in these airports do not accept the sealing of goods done in Jaipur. Exporters feel that gems and jewellery parcels may be allowed to be appraised by Jaipur customs and the Gateway airports may be instructed to accept the documents signed by Jaipur customs appraiser. This is a procedural issue and customs need to resolve it.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Essays - Fiction, Angel
The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Essays - Fiction, Angel The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Response to essay on The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings What does this piece reveal about people's attitudes towards religion? Why do the townspeople treat the old man in the way that they do? Do they respond differently to the spider girl than to the old man? Is there evidence that he is really an angel? Does that make a difference? Why is the subtitle of the piece A Tale for Children? Why would children be the intended audience for this piece? Is it intended to be educational? If so, in what way? Explain the ending a bit more. What does this piece have to do with life after death as you bring up in your essay? Is an angel the same as a ghost? What is an angel? What purpose are they thought to serve in human life? Does this angel serve that purpose? If not, does he serve any purpose? Does he fail at his objective? Explain. Why is the piece called A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings rather than An Angel? Any suggestions? Do the people exploit him? Explain. Any connection between the old man's arrival and the child's recovery? Is it simply coincidence? How do you respond to the parents' displaying the old man to make money off of him? What does that say about them, about their attitudes towards religion, towards God's work.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Social Campaign Reports Measure Your Strategys Impact in CoSchedule
Social Campaign Reports Measure Your Strategys Impact in Data proves the ROI of the work you do. (awesome) The tedious process of †¦.compiling stats from your LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and FB platforms †¦.sifting through lines of data in your â€Å"oh-so-lovely†spreadsheets†¦ comparing AND grasping for correlations And finally putting those stats into something your team can *actually* understand? ^ not so awesome. Let’s make this process less painful (and time-consuming), shall we? Introducing ’s newest reporting addition:  Social Campaign Reports. With Social Campaign Reports, you and your team can: Evaluate campaign performance across multiple networks (in one place). Unite campaign data from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest in one report. So you can gauge the success of your latest event promotion, product launch, or other specific campaigns across social media. Eliminate those â€Å"gut feelings†and use hard data to make strategic decisions. Get access to performance metrics that help you analyze trends, identify problem areas, and continually refine your social content. Quickly pinpoint correlations between two campaigns with side by side comparisons. Compare similar social campaigns or posts side-by-side to test what’s working (and what isn’t). So you can continually fine-tune your messaging for your evolving audience. AND create presentation-ready reports to share with your team and VPs. Provide data-driven feedback to your employees and define your marketing decisions to your CEO with metrics and analysis people can actually understand. Here’s how
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Exam Notes - Strategic Management Analysis Essay
Exam Notes - Strategic Management Analysis - Essay Example Better Place wants to introduce effective improvements in the mobility of the electronic vehicles by increasing the capacity of the batteries used in these cars. Better Place aims at creating a comprehensive solution for the issues related to the electronic vehicles which would deliver values for different profiles of drivers. The fundamental concept behind the Better Place’s vision is to re-engineer the electronic cars to create efficient vehicles. Better Place is aimed at making the world a better place to live in by supporting the use of electric vehicles as a means to protect the environment. The uses of the fuel powered vehicles are known to create several health issues and environmental hazards. The increasing concerns of the population of the world towards the environmental issues are driving the need for the companies to create products to support the green capabilities (Wery and Derriennic, 2010, p. 91). These factors majorly influence the success of Better Place as i t is likely to fulfil a much required need in the current industrial scenario. The products of Better Place are aimed at increasing the environmental and economic sustainability of the electric vehicles. Better Place and its stakeholders are interdependent on each other. The governments throughout the globe are majorly interested in decreasing the usage of ICE technologies in the automobiles sector. The government is providing different incentives for pool cars, congestion pricing, parking tolls for encouraging the use of public transportation (Etzion and Struben, 2011, p.47). The stakeholders would majorly influence the functioning and success of Better Place. The social communities supporting the environmental benefit causes are also likely to influence the business of Better place. The customers are getting more concerned about the green movements and the conscious people are adopting the electric vehicles as a way to protect the environment as well as a way to add to their socia l image. The suppliers and manufacturers of the electric vehicles and parts would also be majorly impacting Better Place. Thus, Better Place would be highly affected by the changing government policies, buying patterns of the consumers as well as the investment interests of the investors, all of whom are part of the stakeholder group. Shareholder Mapping Matrix The shareholders are individuals or communities that influence the business through their various activities. The shareholders play a critical role in the success of Better Place. It is likely that many shareholders would be eager to invest in the business considering the innovative approach of the business and the probability of the business generating a high return on the investments (Freeman, 2010, p.71). Also, the shareholders would have an interest in the business considering the environmental viability of the business. In the shareholder mapping matrix, both the interest level and the power level are high for the shareh olders of Better Place.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Selling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Selling - Essay Example Of course trust level is the thing which enhances the every relationship bonding but when we talk about selling it values a lot – as selling relationship are business type in nature sort of. The best salesperson never compromise on its reputation or trust and always tried its best to deliver at time. And this trust of a salesman highly depends on the customer and salesman relationship – that is understand the customer need, his level of satisfaction and having honest dealing with him. The simplest example I want to give here for my above statement is the relationship between the doctor and a sales person of a pharmaceutical corporation. Doctor never having its personal affiliation with the company whose medicine he usually does prescribe actually it is his relationship with the representative of that company who push him to recommend its medicine - in point of fact the key of selling moves around personal business relationship. The best salesman always follows the strat egy which is do business with persons not with companies. A part from all above, customer entertainment which a salesman providing him also groomed that relationship – that is having outdoor eating and other recreational activities you know giving your customer casual environment. Selling is a sort of profession which very much focused relationship ethics and you now tough times which we say ups and downs are the part of every relation. If both ends have a healthy relation then these tough tome (like any delay in scheduled delivery of stock etc) can be easily tackled. Networking, another very potential term in career of salesman. How I tell you this. Basically it increases your social relations. It also happens that buyer recommend you to others thus give a boost to salesman business. But it is better to network always rather if you want some type of business dealing. The approach to do networking always expands and strengthens the relationship in improved
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Logic of Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Logic of Descartes - Essay Example The Logic of Descartes Descartes felt the only way to obtain true knowledge was to rely solely upon human reason while ignoring the senses. Descartes wrote several books regarding the nature of existence and knowledge, providing us with plenty of material to study and has had tremendous influence on those who have come after him. These books are typically divided into segments Descartes labels meditations. In these meditations, Descartes reflects upon the nature of the individual and determines that he does indeed exist as both a physical and a metaphysical being through a detailed consideration of the various elements that contribute to his awareness. Through statements such as ‘I am not lodged in my body like a pilot in a vessel’ and ‘I am not that set of limbs called the human body’, Descartes attempts to bridge the difference between the new sciences and the sensory perceptions of the old philosophy, introducing in the process a new way of thinking about thinking. In Descartes ’ Meditations on First Philosophy (1989), Descartes states emphatically ‘I think, therefore I am.’ This simple-sounding statement is the result of a discourse in which Descartes calls into question all of the assumptions he’s come to know as a result of the philosophical thought of his day. To seek a higher version of the truth, Descartes felt it was necessary to question every assumption that had even the shadow of a doubt. Through this questioning process, he demonstrates how thought, not observation or the senses, is really the right foundation for knowledge. â€Å"When I considered that the very same thoughts (presentations) which we experience when awake may also be experienced when we are asleep, while there is at that time not one of them true, I supposed that all the objects (presentations) that had ever entered into my mind when awake, had in them no more truth than the illusions of my dreams†(Descartes, 2001). The first issue to be overco me was the concept that knowledge defined by a â€Å"clear and distinct perception†as being clear of sensation is foiled by its own dependence on the senses within the definition. Descartes argues that in order to fool a mind, a mind must first exist, indicating that the senses are not necessary to the development of a thinking being, so we must be something more than the physical material we are made of, something more than ‘the set of limbs.’ In the process of breaking down all of his perceptions to determine the very basic, deepest thought that is not based on the senses, Descartes admits that there may be some way in which all of his senses could be fooled all of the time into thinking he exists; this in itself proves his existence. â€Å"But there is I know not what being, who is possessed at once of the highest power and the deepest cunning, who is constantly employing all his ingenuity in deceiving me. Doubtless, then, I exist, since I am deceived; and, let him deceive me as he may, he can never bring it about that I am nothing, so long as I shall be conscious that I am something†(Descartes, 1989). Meditation III builds off of Descartes’ earlier idea that he exists because he is capable of thinking – â€Å"I think, therefore I am.†Assuming that what he is able to perceive as distinct must be true, he strives to erase his mind of all information that has been gained through his five senses to arrive at what he knows deep within himself. â€Å"In this item of first knowledge, there is simply a clear and distinct
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Ethical And Legal Principles In Nursing | Reflective Essay
Ethical And Legal Principles In Nursing | Reflective Essay This following piece of reflection will be written by using the what model of structured reflection (Driscoll, 2007). The essay will focus on a practice based scenario and will include two ethical principles, these being, Non-Maleficence and Beneficence. It will also cover two legal principles; The Mental Capacity Act and Consent. In order to maintain patients confidentiality (Nursing and Midwifery Council 2008) a pseudonym name will be used throughout this reflective account and the patient will be referred to as Jean. As a trainee assistant practitioner I am accountable in my practice to identify and minimise risk to the patient when carrying out care. It is also my duty to ensure my knowledge and skills are maintained, thus providing equal care to all patients. Furthermore consent must be obtained from the patient prior to carrying out any care. I was asked by the community district nursing team to obtain a blood sample from an 88 year old lady who needed a diabetic review .This investigation will identify any potential problems associated with diabetes (Diabetes UK). Having this test is essential for the well being of the patient. Jean has type 2 diabetes and her condition is controlled by insulin therapy. Having this test is important for the well being of the patient. The nursing midwifery council state that obtaining patients consent is necessary before you can give treatment or care (2002). It is important to obtain consent and failure to do so could be viewed as physical assault on a patient (Lavery 2005). Consent should not be taken for granted and an explanation should be given to the patient prior to the procedure. This ensures that Patients are competent to make an informed decision and have the legal right to decline treatment at any time during their treatment. Jean also has a form of dementia and due to this; she experiences memory loss and confusion. According to Frude the general onset of dementia is one of progressive deterioration in the forgetfulness stages the person experiences difficulty in recalling events (2000.p.285). Within my role as a trainee assistant practitioner I have the responsibility to understand the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and to respect people rights and provide care within the realms of the law. A patient who lacks mental capacity is a person whose brain has been affected from an illness, in this case dementia. The Mental capacity act 2005 is to protect people who are unable to make decision for themselves. The Code of Practice states that last power of attorney can be used to appoint attorney to make decisions about personal welfare (2005 .p120) A person with a personal welfare of lasting power attorney can make a medical or treatment decision for another person. The office of the public guardian has a register for lasting power of attorney this is a legal document which people must be registered (Alzheimers society 2010). It is my responsibility to ensure that patients who lack capacity have the correct support in place so that they can assert their rights. In this case Jean had nominated her daughter to be her lasting power of attorney. Jean now moved in with her daughter and her family. I asked Jeans daughter for permission to take a blood sample from her mother and she gave her consent. However when I approached Jean to explain what I was going to do she seemed very confused and became aggressive towards me. I was told in report that Jean can get confused, but no mention of her being aggressive. I felt very uneasy and made the decision with the support of Jeans daughter, not to take the blood sample. Hendick states the principle of non-maleficence imposes duty to do no harm or to minimize harm (2001 p 22). As Jean was obviously distressed and I did not want to cause her any discomfort I decided not to carry out the procedure. My intention was also not to put Jean or myself at any risk from taking the blood sample as it could lead to either one of us being harmed from a needle stick injury. Hendick states beneficence means that you must act in the way that benefits others, and have both moral and legal duty to do good (2004 p72). Obviously having the test done is in Jeans best interests as her doctor needs to have recent blood values to ensure she is receiving the correct treatment. I believe however, that I acted in Jeans best interests by postponing her blood test to another day finding out from her daughter what the best time of day for Jean, when she would be likely to be more relaxed and approachable. Her daughter had agreed with this decision, another date was arranged As a trainee Assistant Practitioner, I ensure that I abide by ethical and legal principles in all aspects of my role. I feel that it is something that is incorporated into my job often without me even realising. For example, I would never carry out any procedure without gaining the patients consent. This could be verbal or non verbal. I will inform the senior member of staff about the situation I was in and fill in an incident form. I will also insure other team members are aware of Jeans aggression and to ensure that we call her daughter before we visit in the future. Hopefully my next visit will be more successful with better communication skills by planning the visit with her daughter I feel that I learnt a great deal about the Mental Capacity Act through my care of Jean and will continue to increase my skills and knowledge. I will continue to give Jean the care and support she needs. I will ask my Primary Care Trust for any future study days on the Equality Act that has come into force from October 2010, and then I will be able to understand how the act could be relevant within my practice. .
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Modern Macbeth :: essays research papers
A Modern Macbeth      When looking back on the recent decades or even last week, it is not difficult to find a Macbeth-like figure in mainstream American culture. In this it is meant that these individuals experience a downfall in an attempt to gain power. One such figure was former President Richard Nixon.      Nixon was long associated with American politics before his fall from grace. He was along time senator before finally being elected president in 1968. During his first term, his United States went through the Vietnam War and a period of economic inflation. In 1972 he was easily re-elected over Democrat nominee George McGovern. Almost unnoticed during his campaign was the arrest of five men connected with Nixon’s re-election committee. They had broken into the Democrats national head quarters in the Watergate apartment complex, in Washington D.C. They attempted to steal documents and place wire taps on the telephones. By March of 1973, through a federal inquiry, it had been brought to light that the burglars had connections with high government officials and Nixon’s closest aids. Despite Nixon and his lawyers best efforts, it was shown that the president had participated in the Watergate cover-up. On August 8, 1974 Nixon announced, without admitting g uilt, that he would resign. He left the Oval Office the next day: an obvious fall from grace.      So how does this former leader of the free world compare to Macbeth? Before they achieved their positions of power to govern or rule all, both Nixon and Macbeth spent many years being heavily respected amongst their peers. Nixon spent many years as a respected congressman and Macbeth as a soldier and Thane of Glamis. They used the way people viewed them to their advantage to gain a position of power. Nixon used his experience to get him elected president. Macbeth was made Thane of Cawdor and eventually king. Once they both ascended to their respected roles they did whatever it took to protect themselves from any possible threats. Nixon cheated by trying to steal opponents campaign secrets thus giving him an unfair advantage.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Economy vs the Enviroment
Yoveta Adams 12/14/12 English 1101 9:00 A. M. Essay # 6 The Economy vs. the Environment The unemployment rate is almost nine percent, the value of the American dollar is steadily declining, and the housing market is far from stable. It is undeniable that the American people need jobs. TransCanada, â€Å"a leader in North American energy production†(Canadian Business Resource) and its subsidiary, TransCanada Pipelines Limited has a seven billion dollar plan to create jobs by extending the already existing Keystone Pipeline.The Keystone pipeline harvests oil from the tar sands in Hardesty, Alberta then runs the crude oil to Patoka, Illinois. The plan is to extend the pipeline from Hardesty to run through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma to finally end in Port Arthur, Texas where it can be refined. According to TransCanada, this can potentially create thousands of jobs including: 13,000 Americans to construct the pipeline-pipefitters, welders, mechanics, ele ctricians, heavy equipment operators, among other jobs-in addition to 7,000 manufacturing jobs†¦.And additionally local businesses along the pipeline route will benefit from the 118,000 spin off jobs Keystone XL will create through increased businesses for local goods and service providers. (TransCanada) That’s a lot of jobs. Not only that, this can help to reduce our dependency on outside sources to supply us with crude oil, according to Chris Sorenson that this â€Å"36 inch diameter pipeline could Adams Page 2 Potentially triple the existing pipeline capacity to 1. 3 million barrels per day†That’s great!Not only will this create over a hundred thousand jobs, it can also help lower the price of gas, considering it won’t be coming from middle east, it will be coming from our neighbors to the north. So why has President Barack Obama, decided to push back the decision to approve or deny the extension until after the 2012 election? Many republicans, i ncluding Speaker of the House, John Boehner think this is detrimental to the American economy claiming, â€Å"By punting this project, the president has made it clear that campaign politics are driving U. S. policy decisions at the cost of American jobs. (Page 16) Maybe it has something to do with the environment. Like the fact that the already existing Keystone pipeline has been ordered shut down by the United States Department of Transportation, due to a series of leaks and spills. Elisabeth Rosenthal says that in May of 2011 alone, â€Å"the Keystone 1 pipeline suffered two leaks†¦one of which involved over 10,000 gallons of oil. †(Page 1) In spite of this, TransCanada claims that â€Å"pipelines are the safest, most reliable, economical and environmentally favorable way to transport oil and petroleum products.Leaks are rare and tend to be small. †I don’t call ten thousand gallons small. Not only that, Rosenthal also states: Environmental experts have raised concerns about the possibility of leaks from Keystone XL, in part because TransCanada has been granted waivers that Adams Page 3 Effectively allow it to use thinner steel that would normally be required in the United States. They add that the company’s pipelines are particularly vulnerable because the oil from tar sands is more corrosive than conventional oil and is pumped under higher pressure and temperatures. Page 1) Still, oil corporations claim that this source of crude oil is ethical, even though the methods used to extract it is devastating to the environment and the ecosystems within. Environmental activist Bill McKibben declares: The biggest machines in the world scrape away the woods and dig down to the oily sand beneath, and so far they got three percent of the oil, but they’ve already moved more soil than the Great Wall of China, the Suez Canal, and the Aswan Dam and Pyramid of Cheops combined†¦ (Page 40) And goes on to add:Right now, the atmos phere holds 392 parts per million CO2 already dangerously above the 350 ppm scientists say is the maximum level. If you could somehow burn all the tar sands at once†¦ the atmospheric concentration would rise another 150 parts per million. (Page 40) Lee Terry, a republican representative from Nebraska, recently drafted a bill that would allow the Federal Regulatory Commission to grant permits that would allow TransCanada to commence the project within thirty days of getting an application. I know we are desperate for Adams Page 4Jobs but, how far can this bill go if the decision to build this pipeline was in Barak Obama’s hands alone and he already made the decision to wait until after the next election to decide? As for the thousands of jobs TransCanada claim this will create, the U. S. Department of State predicts the number will be closer to between twenty-five hundred and four thousand. That’s a big difference. Maybe the difference will stem from people that Tr ansCanada will hire to clean up the existing mess that Keystone 1 has already created, and the ones that will happen in the future if they continue to use substandard materials to build the pipeline.What about reducing our dependency on outside resources for crude oil? I mean that has to have some bearing in all of this. Alexander Cockburn suggests that â€Å"from day one of the Keystone XL scheme the oil companies’ plan has been to take the heavy crude from Alberta, refine it in Texas and then ship it in the form of middle distillates-diesel, jet fuel and heating oil-primarily to Europe and Latin America. †(Page 9) I think this could potentially raise the price of gas in the U. S. considering we will be the ones to ship it.One should also keep in mind that this is a pipeline, it takes oil from the earth and eventually, it will run out. It seems to me that this is just a short term solution. It certainly isn’t going to get Americans away from using crude oil as a sustainable source of energy, regardless of the amount of jobs this will create. If the Republican Party and TransCanada truly cared about the American economy and job creation, they would come up with a cleaner, more efficient, and less harmful way. The Keystone XL pipeline is a bad idea, and the way I see it the environment is more important than the economy.
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